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 consistent font for latin, greek and math symbols

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Capponero Posted - 12/17/2014 : 12:52:33 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 8.5 SR1
Operating System: windows 7


How to write in same label the latin, greek and math symbols? Lets say I need to write sigma_1+hbar+k*omega as a label of x-axis.

When i do it in a way, where I change the greek symbols, math symbols and then som font fot latin, it looks very ugly and inconsistent (different size of the leters even if the font size is set as same,...).

Is there a way how to create consistent (nice) label titles or do I have to use another software??

I have also problem, with hbar symbol, when I export graph as EPS format. the hbar is changed to h and italic property is released.

Please if there is some advice, help me.


6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
snowli Posted - 12/18/2014 : 2:41:58 PM
Originally posted by snowli


Could you let me know what equation editor you are using. Maybe Math Type will have more options.

BTW, we have other customers requesting rotating equations but we don't support it yet. We compared with many other softwares and they don't support it either.

For now in Origin, if you want rotated text labels, I think it's better you add text object as I mentioned before. Maybe you can choose Insert Symbol and find a font that supports greek and hbar together and use that font to enter text so they are all consistent. Then you can click on the text object and choose Properties... context menu to open Object Properties dialog. There is Rotate control.

Thanks, Snow

snowli Posted - 12/18/2014 : 2:35:34 PM

Could you let me know what equation editor you are using. Maybe Math Type will have more options.

BTW, we have other customers requesting rotating equations but we don't support it yet.

If you want rotated text labels, right you have to click T button to add Text in graph. Then in in-place edit mode. Use Format toolbar and symbol map to add text. Then right click the text object and choose Properties in Object Properties dialog. There is Rotate control.

Thanks, Snow
Capponero Posted - 12/18/2014 : 12:08:28 PM
Thanks a lot, it worked!

But another problems appeared,

1. All letters which i write in equation mode is in italic and I realy didn't find the possibility how to remove it (let the letters to be straight).

2. Is there a way how can I rotate the equation to vertical position? (for label for y-axis)

Could you advice me in this as well please?

Thanks again :)

Originally posted by snowli


In Export Graph dialog, could you expand
Image Settings: node.
Under Fonts, choose "Use Built-In Fonts" and see if that works?

Thanks, Snow

snowli Posted - 12/18/2014 : 09:24:15 AM

In Export Graph dialog, could you expand
Image Settings: node.
Under Fonts, choose "Use Built-In Fonts" and see if that works?

Thanks, Snow
Capponero Posted - 12/18/2014 : 06:24:54 AM
It works in origin perfectly and the equations look nice, but when I export it to EPS the lot of properties are removed, for instance, the hbar is changed to h, italic is removed, etc. Do you have an idea how to export it in a right way?

Originally posted by snowli


Besides our built-in Format toolbar to insert greek, superscript/subscript, and also right click in text to insert symbolmap, on Tools toolbar(docked on the left side of workspace by default), you can click Insert Equation button to insert math equation including greek, hbar and super/subscript.

Maybe you can clarify which method you used and also try insert equation to see if that works?

Thanks, Snow

snowli Posted - 12/17/2014 : 4:38:48 PM

Besides our built-in Format toolbar to insert greek, superscript/subscript, and also right click in text to insert symbolmap, on Tools toolbar(docked on the left side of workspace by default), you can click Insert Equation button to insert math equation including greek, hbar and super/subscript.

Maybe you can clarify which method you used and also try insert equation to see if that works?

Thanks, Snow

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