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 Defining global constants

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
anthei Posted - 12/27/2014 : 06:27:01 AM
OriginPro 9.1.0G (64-bit) Sr3
Operating System: Windows 7

We have large Origin-projects with many worksheets where columns are calculated by formulas containing a constant that is characteristic for the sample we are investigating. When changing the sample we take the previous project as a template, deleting all content of the worksheets. However, it is quite tedious to reenter the formulas of all columns with respect to the new value of the constant.

Now I learned that project-global constants can be defined in ProjectEvents.OGS. It works, but the columns are not updated automatically (although auto-calculate mode is set in the columns), so we have to click every single column to recalculate, which is tedious as well.

Is there a way to update all calculations together, or can you recommend any other way of tackling the problem?

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anthei Posted - 12/29/2014 : 11:53:03 AM
Thanks both of you.

In the meantime, we have figured out an (obvious) alternative:

Put the constants(s) in a separate worksheet and reference it in the formulas. Auto-update works in this case.

Best regards
lkb0221 Posted - 12/29/2014 : 10:37:49 AM
Hi, Anthei

This is a known issue.
If you define a project variable or define a variable in Script window and then use it in Set Column Values dialog, changing the value will not trigger the recalculation.

We have jiraed it in

The following LT cmd will be introduced in Origin2015 SR1, which will be released this coming Jan.
run -AUF n [m]//n=0(Worksheet),1(WorkBook),2(Project) [m = 1-dirty now, 0-dirty on idle]

JacquelineHe Posted - 12/29/2014 : 05:53:56 AM

If the columns are with the lock icon and set to ˇ°Recalculate Mode: Autoˇ±, they should be recalculated automatically. So I am not sure what leading the recalculation not work.

If the lock icon on the column is yellow, you can try to click on the ˇ°Recalculateˇ± button on the Standard toolbar to trigger all the pending updates.


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