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 Plotting Cell data points only with Z axis

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
alaoptr Posted - 01/14/2015 : 10:15:04 AM
Origin Ver. pro 2015 and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin):
Operating System: Windows 7

I want to plot cell data units with only Z values on a contour plot but Originlab forces me to input X and Y axis. I have done this on Sigmaplot with the option Contour with many Z option, is there a way around this as I am trying to convince my boss to change to Originlab but this type of plots are needed in our research

Attached is a snapshot of the plot from Sigmaplot

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Shirley_GZ Posted - 01/19/2015 : 04:58:26 AM

You can customize the colormap and contour lines in the Colormap/Contours tab of Plot Details dialog to make the contour plot have a better representation in Origin.

Please send us the sample data( We will help you figure this out.

Originlab Technical Service Team
alaoptr Posted - 01/19/2015 : 04:05:45 AM

alaoptr Posted - 01/19/2015 : 03:53:34 AM
Thanks Zheng for your response. I do think it worked but the representation is not correct. I posted the output from origin so you can compare to that from sigmaplot. Any modification you could advise would be of great help. My evaluation period of the software is almost over and if I cant make a good representation then it means my team cannot use the software


lkb0221 Posted - 01/14/2015 : 11:15:03 AM
Hi, alaoptr

SigmaPlot's "many Z contour" uses row index number as X and column index number as Y.

In Origin 2015:
1). Fill your worksheet with your data by default the column will be XYYY.
2). Highlight all and select Plot:Contour/Heatmap:Color Fill. plotvm dialog will open.
3). Data Layout = Y across columns
4). Y/X values in = None
5). Set the title text. And click OK.

You can save this settings as a dialog theme for later use.


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