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 Plotting a ternary convex hull with a scatter plot

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jaschil2 Posted - 01/15/2015 : 4:12:06 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): OriginPro 2015, b9.2.214
Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit running on VMWare on a Mac

I am trying to plot a ternary surface convex hull with all of the data points in a scatter plot on the same graph. I already have the vertices for the convex hull. I am able to plot either the convex hull or the scatter plot, but not both in the same graph.

When I try going into Plot Setup in the convex hull ternary surface to add another ternary scatter plot, the "Add" button remains greyed out. Additionally, I am unsure what the the fields BDRX, BDRY and BDRZ mean. I would greatly appreciate any help.
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JacquelineHe Posted - 01/16/2015 : 01:05:56 AM

You want to plot 3D Ternary Surface with scatter plot, right?
You can use Layer Contents dialog to add the 3D scatter plot in the 3D Ternary Surface plot.

Please refer to the online help of Layer Contents dialog:

Here is a simple example:
1. The datasets for the 3D Ternary Surface and 3D Ternary Scatter are both set as ¡°XYZZ¡± columns.

2. Highlight XYZZ columns for srface plot to create a 3D Ternary Surface graph.

3 Double-click on the layer icon ¡°1¡± in the upper-left corner of the graph window to open the Layer Contents dialog.

4. Set the Plot Type to 3D Scatter/ Trajectory/ Vector

5. In the left panel, choose the ¡°Z, Z¡± two columns dataset add to right panel

6. Click on ¡°OK¡± to save the setting and close the window.

Then two plots will be in the same graph.


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