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 The histogram and gaussian fitting

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Rasha2015 Posted - 01/15/2015 : 9:50:02 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin):
Operating System:

I'm new to Origin, i have a histogram and i want to know how to do these steps:
1. do gaussian function fit to the central bins to provides the mean and the standard deviation.
2. making a graph for all data that lie at the mean .

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
JacquelineHe Posted - 01/19/2015 : 04:34:56 AM

To calculate the Mean and SD, you can follow the method instead of my lastweek posted:

1. When you do Frequency Counts, you can uncheck set output to [<input>]<input> , then the results will show in the same worksheet of your data.

2. Add a new column and set longname to "Group". Right click the "Group" column and choose "Set Column Values".
Use the "Bin End" as the divide, you can use "Index" function to set a "group number" for the data.
For example:
Index(Col("Data"),Col("Bin End"),1)
("Data" and "Bin End" are the column longname.)
Click "OK".

Please refer to:

3.Highlight your data column, select Statistics: Descriptive Statistics: Statistics on Columns in the main menu.
In the "Statistics on Columns" dialog, add "Group" column to Group.
Click "OK".

4. In the resut sheet "DescStatsFlat1" you will get the Mean and SD for each bin. Copy these two columns dataset to original sheet.

5.Plot graph:
1) Highlight "Bin Center" and "Count" column (XY column) to plot the "Column" graph
2) Select Graph: plot setup in the main menu. In the Plot Setup dialog, follow the setting as the image to add Line+ Symbol plot for Mean+-SD.

Rasha2015 Posted - 01/17/2015 : 08:20:38 AM

thank you for your help.
but i have another question If i have a data and i do "Frequency Counts", how i can plot "mean+-SD"?
JacquelineHe Posted - 01/16/2015 : 06:43:02 AM

For the first question, please refer to this Quick Help page about"How do I perform curve fitting on my histogram plot?"
Refer to:

For the secend question, I want to confirm you hope to calculate the mean values of each bin, and use the mean to plot a line in the histogrm graph, right?

I assume the Column B is your dataset, then you can:
1. Add two new columns (Column C and Column D)

2. Do "Frequency Counts" on your dataset, and set the "bin begin" and "bin end" the same as your histogram.
Refer to:

3. Copy the "Bin End" column value from the "Frequency Counts" result to Column C

4. Right click on Column D and choose "Set Column Values"
Enter Col(D)= averageif(col(b), con$)
Before Formula Scripts= con$ = col(b) >= col(c)[i-1] && col(b) < col(c)[i];
Refer to:

5.Click OK, then you get the mean of the bins.

Use the "Bin Count" result of the "Frequency Counts" to create a bar plot and add a line plot from mean value.


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