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 expASC - using long name as path?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
RiverFalls Posted - 02/16/2015 : 11:24:22 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 2015
Operating System: Win 7

The summary question: I would like to use the expASC command function to export a selected column to a file - but without having to type a new path each time.

The details: I have a worksheet with 1200 columns, and I need to be able to export every other one to a separate file. I can do this by selecting the column and using expASC in the command window:

expASC type:=text path:="c:\...\name_00001" select:=1 separator:=tab longname:=0 units:=0 missing:=0;

I don't want to have to change the file name (actually just the number at the end of the filename) in the file path each time. Is there a way to have expASC pull the path or part of the path from the long name of the column? I suppose that there might also be a way to use OriginC to export specific columns to separate files...

Thank you for any help you can provide,
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
RiverFalls Posted - 02/20/2015 : 2:40:46 PM
Thank you.
cpyang Posted - 02/20/2015 : 12:38:04 PM
I think this page is the most complete on range,

but you are right, even on this page, there was no mention of the lname$ property.

Basically, when you define a column range, then you can access to all the column properties, like to set range aa to column A, and see a list by

range aa=1;

and these properties are listed on wks.col object level:

RiverFalls Posted - 02/17/2015 : 08:51:45 AM
Thank you, that works beautifully. I've put the script into a programming control button and now only need one click to export!

Where can I find more about the 'range' options and identifiers like 'lname$'? Searching Origin Help doesn't lead me anywhere.
Echo_Chu Posted - 02/17/2015 : 03:59:24 AM
Hi, Lowell

Please see whether the scripts below works for you.

range aa=%C;
%A = aa.lname$;
expASC type:=text path:=D:\test\%A select:=1 separator:=tab longname:=0 units:=0 missing:=0; 

where D:\test\ is path and %A is the long name of selected columns


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