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 y axis - set base line to a non-zero value

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T O P I C    R E V I E W Posted - 03/01/2015 : 9:48:17 PM
Is it possible to set the y base line value to a set value other than "0" in a column graph. At "0" columns are positive (above) and negative (below). I am trying to have columns positive above 0.5 and negative below this value. The only way that I can do this now is with floating columns, but this feature only allows one data set (X,YY). It would be great if it could perform (X, YY,YY) but it doesn't and ideally speaking it would be more efficient to change the value in a common axis dialog box.

Origin Ver 2015. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin):
Operating System:Windows 8.1
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First) Posted - 03/02/2015 : 2:52:34 PM
Your solution works. It is a bit cumbersome, but it does work. It would be great to set the column start value other than "0". Financial graphs often use 50% as a benchmark to determine success or failure.
snowli Posted - 03/02/2015 : 2:06:26 PM
Hi Brooke,

It seems we don't support such in axis dialog.

But I have a simple workaround for this.

Suppose in your worksheet, the 1st 3 columns are for x axis labels.
Column D and E are for data to plot.

1. In your workbook, add two more columns F and G.
2. Set the Set Column Value formula to be col(D)-0.5 and col(E)-0.5 respectively, since you want the column to start from 0.5.
3. Highlight F and G to plot the graph.
4. It will plot from y=0 which is actually your original data's 0.5.
5. Double click Y tick labels and set formula to be x+0.5
6. You can adjust Scale From and To range.

7. Go to X axis to turn on tables.

I just sent an email with project I made. Could you check if it's what you want?

Thanks, Snow

Originally posted by

I have tried the settings that you suggested and the problem still exists as I cannot locate the table at the bottom of the graph. Is there another method?
Thx Posted - 03/02/2015 : 10:06:44 AM
I have tried the settings that you suggested and the problem still exists as I cannot locate the table at the bottom of the graph. Is there another method?
snowli Posted - 03/02/2015 : 09:40:14 AM

For Vertical (Y axis), Uncheck Y=0 on Grids tab.
And go to Scale tab to change the From value to what you want, e.g. 0.3.

For Horizontal axis, turn on tables. When using tables, on Scale tab, make sure the From and To values are 0.5 to 4.5 in your case.

Thanks, Snow

Originally posted by

Thank you but I cannot get the x-axis labels (table) to appear in the correct place. By default it appears at the new x-axis as shown in pic below.

Normally, one would adjust the x-axis position with the Tick Labels>Format option, but when a table is used for the x-axis, this option is not available. Trying to move the table manually, stretches the columns to the wrong base line.

Is there any way to solve this. Thx Posted - 03/02/2015 : 09:08:35 AM
Thank you but I cannot get the x-axis labels (table) to appear in the correct place. By default it appears at the new x-axis as shown in pic below.

Normally, one would adjust the x-axis position with the Tick Labels>Format option, but when a table is used for the x-axis, this option is not available. Trying to move the table manually, stretches the columns to the wrong base line.

Is there any way to solve this. Thx
Echo_Chu Posted - 03/02/2015 : 05:39:31 AM
Hi, Brooke

You can do following in the Axis dialog to get bar start at specified value

1. Uncheck the Y=0 check box for the Vertical direction

2. For Bottom Axis, set the Axis Position as specific value


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