T O P I C R E V I E W |
imoada |
Posted - 03/02/2015 : 02:42:26 AM Origin:Origin2015 SR1 Operating System:win7 ultimate
Two questions are here:
1) I can not delete one text label, whether using del button on keyboard or delete command in shortcut menu.Other text labels are normal.Strangely!!!
2) Plot data, OLE data and fitting result data are in one same workbook but different worksheet(eg plot data in book1\sheet1, OLE data in book1\sheet2, fitting result data in book1\Fit***). When copy the graph to word, the real value in text label can not be shown if expression was written as "%([Book1]Sheet1,@WL,C[1])" (named expression I, with @WL, in origin which is normal) in text label. Double-clicking OLE graph in word, no plot data and OLE data were found. But, if expression was written as "%([Book1]Sheet1,C,1)"(expression II, without @WL),all things are normal. Real value could be seen in word and plot/OLE data were attached to OLE graph. Why? If I need link fitting data in fitting result sheet to text label, how I can transform expression I "%([Book1]FitLinear1,@WL,Summary.R1.Stats_AdjRSquare) into expression II format. This is my target, fitting result data can be shown normally in OLE graph in word. Some solutions like "http://www.originlab.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=8334" are not suitable for me.
Thanks for any help.
2015-03-02 |
6 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
imoada |
Posted - 03/09/2015 : 1:02:52 PM Thank ECHO.
Well! That the only thing I can do now!
Junhua 2015-03-10 |
Echo_Chu |
Posted - 03/09/2015 : 02:26:34 AM Hi, Junhua
Thank you! I can reproduce the problem now. I added this problem to our bug tracking database, ORG-12775, and will see how to improve it.
Currently for the weird operation, I am thinking perhaps you can set the "%([Book1]Sheet1,B,1)" text label to be invisible to make your other text labels works in your graph
It is not a good solution but I hope it can work around the problem before we get the bug fixed. |
imoada |
Posted - 03/07/2015 : 11:44:31 AM Hi Echo:
Oops, bad news. In your testing work, try to delete the second text labels (without @WL), the result is not good. Hope origin solve this problem in new version.
2015-03-08 |
Echo_Chu |
Posted - 03/04/2015 : 9:37:55 PM Hi, Junhua
%([Book1]FitLinear1,@WL,Summary.R1.Stats_AdjRSquare) can not be written in the way of Expression I. The value is in a report sheet, there are multiple tables in the sheet so we must write it in expression as treenode
But I don't think expression II won't work in OLE graph.
Please look at my testing in the image below
When I copy the graph to word, the values display properly.
Please see whether this is what you did.
However, sometimes there may be problem if you install multiple Origin version in the same computer. The OLE linked version may be different from the one in which graph you made. If this is your situation. please run Origin 2015 as administrator first to make OLE link to Origin 2015. |
imoada |
Posted - 03/04/2015 : 02:56:55 AM Hi Echo:
Thanks for your reply.
For my question one, your solution worked good, text label was deleted in button edit mode. For my question two, I am not sure if you put expression I together with expressII in one same text label in your test work. In my work, whether in origin or OLE graph, expression II work good as you do. If there is expression I which exist with expression II, expression I work also good like expression I. However, if expression I exist alone in text label, it just work good in origin but not good in OLE-graph. Now, in my work, I want to show my line-fitting result data in OLE-graph in word. I know the expression "%([Book1]FitLinear1,@WL,Summary.R1.Stats_AdjRSquare)" do good in origin, but not good in word. I also know between expression I and expression II, there must be some correlations. But I don't konw how to transform above expression from expression I to expressII. Could you or anyone give me some advice?
Thanks again.
2015-03-04 |
Echo_Chu |
Posted - 03/03/2015 : 03:33:02 AM Hi, Junhua
1) Could you try to delete the text in Button Edit Mode (accessible from menu "Edit: Button Edit Mode")
2) I am not quite sure what do you mean. In fact, both expression I and expression II work fine in my Origin 2015. I can copy the graph to word and the linked value display well for both expression in WORD.
Would you mind sending us your project file so that we can identify the problem? I am not sure whether it is because your specific file structure.
In addition, for (1), if your text label can not be deleted even in the Button Edit Mode, it would also help if we can see what happened in your OPJ
You can send your project to tech@originlab.com with quote the link of this forum post
Echo OriginLab |