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 polygon plot

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ah0815 Posted - 09/13/2002 : 12:40:08 PM
I have a few sets of polygons (i.e. ((x1,y1),(x2,y2),...,(xN,yN)) that I would like to plot. How can I create such a plot?

Thanks, Andreas
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
carson Posted - 09/16/2002 : 10:32:50 PM
Easwar, Thanks.

Now I post the Polygon Plot image here:

Carson Lg
easwar Posted - 09/14/2002 : 09:06:59 AM

And I try to post my polygon plot here, but fail. Any body can help me?

Hi Carson,

You cannot just paste the image into the posting. You will have to place your image on a web server location and then paste the http: link to the image in your forum post. You should put image tags before and after the link. The image tag can be inserted by clicking on one of the buttons in the toolbar when you are editing the item.

carson Posted - 09/13/2002 : 9:44:06 PM

Since Origin6.1 has provided this feature,You can plot a polygon plot by the following steps:
1) Assume worksheet Data1 has:
   A(X)  B(Y) 
2 6
7 8
9 3
5 2
2 4

2) Use the dataset to plot a line.
3) Select Format: Plot... to open the Plot Detail dialog box.
4) Check the Fill Area Under Curve check box, then select Inclusive broken by missing values item in the combo list box.
5) And then select Patten tab, and select a different Fill Color and Pattern.
6) Click OK, you will get your Polygon plot.

And I try to post my polygon plot here, but fail. Any body can help me?

Thanks, Carson Lg

Edited by - carson on 09/13/2002 11:31:59 PM

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