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 Arrows connect points in scatter plot

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wz1416scripps Posted - 03/06/2015 : 7:25:04 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin):Originpro 2015
Operating System:Windows 7

Hi, I have two sets of X-Y, and I plotted them in the same scatter plot. How can I automatically added arrows connecting the points from the first set of X-Y to the second set of X-Y?

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cdrozdowski111 Posted - 03/08/2015 : 7:34:28 PM
Sorry, but I could not find a way to change the line type for the arrows. It does not appear to be a supported style option.

Not that it will help right now but perhaps it can be added as a feature for future releases.
wz1416scripps Posted - 03/08/2015 : 7:03:16 PM
Yep. It is exactly what I want!
Another small question, how can I change the arrows from solid line to dotted line? I found the options for the arrow heads but didn't find the options for the arrow line.


Originally posted by cdrozdowski111

I'm guessing you mean that you want to have symbols and either end of the arrows in the Vector XYXY plot.

Here's what you can do:
1) With the Vector Graph active, go to the Graph menu and select New Layer(Axes)->No Axes (Linked XY Scale and Dimension).
2) In the Graph, make sure the Layer icon for Layer2 is depressed.
3) Go back to your worksheet and select one set XY columns (don't select both sets of XY data).
4) Move your mouse cursor to the edge of a selected column so that it changes to tiny stack of graphs.
5) Drag the selected columns onto Layer2 of your graph.
You should see a line plot. Don't worry about that now.

6) Repeat Step 3-5 for the 2nd set of XY data.
You should now have your vector plot and two line plots on the graph.

7) Open the Plot Details - Plot Properties dialog.
8) There will be 2 plots under the "NoAxes" layer node.
These are the line plots.

9) Highlight the first line plot, at the bottom of the dialog, you can change it to a Scatter Plot.
10) Do the same thing for the second line plot.
11) Click Apply.

There will now be symbols at the beginning and end of each arrow (they are actually in Layer2).

11) You can now use the Plot Details - Plot Properties dialog to customize the symbols.

I hope this is what you want.

Originally posted by wz1416scripps

Thanks very much. It helps.
But how can I add data points on the vector Graph?
Now I combine the two figures together by photoshop......

Originally posted by cdrozdowski111

Perhaps a 2D Vector Graph is what you are looking for. See:

cdrozdowski111 Posted - 03/08/2015 : 11:16:58 AM
I'm guessing you mean that you want to have symbols and either end of the arrows in the Vector XYXY plot.

Here's what you can do:
1) With the Vector Graph active, go to the Graph menu and select New Layer(Axes)->No Axes (Linked XY Scale and Dimension).
2) In the Graph, make sure the Layer icon for Layer2 is depressed.
3) Go back to your worksheet and select one set XY columns (don't select both sets of XY data).
4) Move your mouse cursor to the edge of a selected column so that it changes to tiny stack of graphs.
5) Drag the selected columns onto Layer2 of your graph.
You should see a line plot. Don't worry about that now.

6) Repeat Step 3-5 for the 2nd set of XY data.
You should now have your vector plot and two line plots on the graph.

7) Open the Plot Details - Plot Properties dialog.
8) There will be 2 plots under the "NoAxes" layer node.
These are the line plots.

9) Highlight the first line plot, at the bottom of the dialog, you can change it to a Scatter Plot.
10) Do the same thing for the second line plot.
11) Click Apply.

There will now be symbols at the beginning and end of each arrow (they are actually in Layer2).

11) You can now use the Plot Details - Plot Properties dialog to customize the symbols.

I hope this is what you want.

Originally posted by wz1416scripps

Thanks very much. It helps.
But how can I add data points on the vector Graph?
Now I combine the two figures together by photoshop......

Originally posted by cdrozdowski111

Perhaps a 2D Vector Graph is what you are looking for. See:

hbogo Posted - 03/08/2015 : 08:17:35 AM
This tutorial helps me to! Thanks
wz1416scripps Posted - 03/07/2015 : 11:28:35 PM
Thanks very much. It helps.
But how can I add data points on the vector Graph?
Now I combine the two figures together by photoshop......

Originally posted by cdrozdowski111

Perhaps a 2D Vector Graph is what you are looking for. See:

cdrozdowski111 Posted - 03/07/2015 : 07:49:40 AM
Perhaps a 2D Vector Graph is what you are looking for. See:

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