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 stats on rows

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zango24 Posted - 03/10/2015 : 3:03:06 PM
Origin Ver. 8 and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin):
Operating System: win 7

Hello friends,
I got stuck at one point. Hope a help from your side.

I have a sheet with say 6 columns and each columns have several rows with random numbers. Now my interest is to get statistics done (e.g. sum total) of rows from 1-10, then from 11-20; then from 21-30..... and so on. And all the result of this stats (sum values) to appear or append on new worksheet.

I tried doing it manually but I realized it's just the beginning and I have to analyse more of this type of sheets in near future. So I am seeking your help.

Any suggestions?
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lkb0221 Posted - 03/10/2015 : 4:40:22 PM
Ah, yes. First use reducerows as Snow mentioned, and then do Statistics on Rows on the result worksheet.
snowli Posted - 03/10/2015 : 4:36:13 PM
In latest Origin 2015, you can choose Worksheet: Reduce Rows.
It can be used to reduce data of worksheet by different methods.
Set it as follows. You will get a new worksheet with sum of each 10 rows for each column. Is it what you want?

Thanks, Snow
OriginLab Corp.

lkb0221 Posted - 03/10/2015 : 3:20:41 PM
Hi, Zango24

A simple script can be used in Set Column Values dialog to implement this requirement. Would you mind sending one of your data to <> so I can make a sample opj for you?


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