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 patch2 for origin 7.0

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lrsosa@ser Posted - 09/16/2002 : 3:27:28 PM
To Whom It May Concern:
Whith the new patch 2 for origin 7.0, my key licence has been corrupted. Question: Do you have any solution for to install the new patch SR-2?.
Many Thanks.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Barb Tobias Posted - 09/16/2002 : 3:43:40 PM
Dear Leonardo,
We are aware of this problem. Here is the solution that we display on the patch 2 download page.
Important note for customers located outside the US and Canada: After you apply Patch 2 and restart Origin, if the License Information dialog box displays, and you click Update but it continues to display, you must contact your Origin distributor ( or OriginLab ( receive a new license key. When requesting a new license key, please provide your serial number and your current license key.
Please let us know if this does not resolve the problem.
Thanks, Barb

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