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 Duplicate (copy-paste) workbook

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Fraenzine Posted - 11/26/2015 : 07:09:55 AM

I have tried many things, but I didn't find an easy way to duplicate or to copy-paste a workbook (in the same project).
I would like to manipulate some of my workbooks but still keep the original one.
Sometimes I also want to copy a workbook in another folder (but in same project.)
I can just drag-and drop it but then it is moved and not copied....

I found 2 options to do it, but I was wondering if there is not a more simple way to do it?

What I can do is creating a new workbook and then copy all the columns from the original workbook and paste them in the new one.

I could also save the workbook as .ogw file and select file -> recent books and open it...

Is there another easy way? (Such as with graphs, where you can right-click and duplicate them)

Thanks a lot
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Fraenzine Posted - 11/27/2015 : 11:14:12 AM
Yes, indeed this is exactly what I was looking for!
Thank you very much!
I didn't have the idea to check "Window" on the top if it includes this option ... would have never found it I guess, so thanks ;)
Echo_Chu Posted - 11/27/2015 : 01:51:25 AM

When the workbook is active, you can choose menu Window: Duplicate to duplicate active workbook.

Let me know whether this is what you want.


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