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 Add a function to graph such as "x=constant" style

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hkkim Posted - 11/30/2015 : 03:05:49 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): OriginPro 8.1 SR3
Operating System: Windows 7

I am searching a simple way to "add function to graph" as x="constant" style instead of y="constant".
For example I want to draw x=100 function on a graph having a data range of x is 0 to 500.
Could you please let me know the way?

Thanks in advance.

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
hkkim Posted - 11/30/2015 : 9:21:59 PM
Hello Jason & Snow,

Unfortunately I have a outdated version, OriginPro, 8.1 SR3.
It is necessary to get a new verion for Snow's method, I guess.
Thank you.

snowli Posted - 11/30/2015 : 09:59:16 AM
Hello FYI,
If you just want to add an x=100 line in graph, you can use Graph: Add Straight Line... menu with the graph window active.

If you want to add a function, with the graph window active, choose File: New: Function Plot: 2D Parametric Function Plot... (there is also function plot button on Standard toolbar which u can expand to see 2D Parametric Function Plot).

Set the t From and To values to be the same as Y axis range.
Enter X(t)= 100

Also at the bottom of the dialog, pick Add to Active Graph and click OK.

Thanks, Snow
jasonzhao Posted - 11/30/2015 : 04:48:10 AM

I assume one of the simple way is creating a dataset and plotting it on graph.

Best regards!
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