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 Automatic recalculation stops working

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
confused82 Posted - 12/01/2015 : 11:06:10 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): OriginPro 2015 (Home Use)
Operating System: Windows 10

Hi, I'm having a problem with my spreadsheets and no-one else seems to have mentioned it, so perhaps it is just me...

I have a lot of similar data to analyse so I have created several template spreadsheets with many different equations in different 'Set Values' column headers. Most, but not all, are set to recalculate automatically. However, sometimes - for no reason that I have pinned down - although the recalculate option still says 'Auto', the data is as though the 'none' option has been checked - i.e. deleting or changing any source data range does not affect the output column data. The green padlock disappears from the column header too. At this point I can't seem to make it recalculate at all, instead I am reloading earlier version of the project before the autos stopped working. Any ideas?

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snowli Posted - 12/01/2015 : 3:14:39 PM
Yes. Delete the row deletes the formula. You can tell it by checking if there is green lock in the column header.

Just FYI, a quicker way to hide F(x) row:
Right click the window title or any gray area in worksheet and then choose View: context menu and uncheck F(x)

Thanks, Snow
confused82 Posted - 12/01/2015 : 11:29:46 AM
Ah - just found the answer, and it was me being stupid after all. That new 'formulas' label bar that appears? I was getting annoyed with it, so instead of going to 'edit column label rows' I was just... deleting it. Don't do that.

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