T O P I C R E V I E W |
alexkit |
Posted - 12/15/2015 : 05:38:08 AM Hi,
I am grouping my data and since the data changes with time I would like to have them all the same shape and color but increase in size with time. So the last item in each group should be largest.
I can find the options to increment Symbol type, border color, fill color and inner symbol, but can I somehow add the option to increase the size by increment?
Would be great if someone could help me with this. Doing it manually is a real pain and makes the grouping option very limited. |
17 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
YimingChen |
Posted - 06/24/2019 : 11:19:04 AM Hi,
I think what Snow meant was when you import multiple files of xy data, you can stack them into one xy column.
If you click Import Multiple ASCII button, select the files to import, and in the dialog you can set Multiple-File (except 1st) Import Mode to Start New Rows. This way xy data of all files will be stacked into two columns.
Thanks James |
randybonnette |
Posted - 06/24/2019 : 07:43:12 AM quote: Originally posted by snowli We don't support symbol size incrment in a group of plot right now. I have jiraed this in https://originlab.jira.com/browse/ORG-14198/https://writemyessaytoday.net/ and will bring up in our next TS meeting.
For now, is it OK to stack your data into one pair of xy columns? E.g. I can highlight column B and plot as scatter. Map symbol size to Sample column. I can adjust Scaling Factor to make size bigger.
Could you please explain more about the process? I'm not sure if I understood it correctly. How is it possible to stack data into one pair of xy columns? |
comoycreo2 |
Posted - 10/01/2018 : 5:02:54 PM As Ken said, you can create a column and map the each point's symbol size to corresponding value in that column. That column must exists in all worksheets you want to plot and map to. Also make sure the values in size column is what you expected. E.g. if you want the 1st symbol size to be the smallest, while the last symbol size the largest, make sure in size column, the 1st value is the smallest.
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opino |
Posted - 01/24/2016 : 4:07:53 PM That sounds great! Thank you :)
Just one question: All the data points are in different books.
So book1 contains the first sampling of A, B and C. Book 2 contains the second sampling of A, B and C.
depurar javascript |
snowli |
Posted - 01/19/2016 : 5:05:41 PM Hi Alex,
Sorry for replying late.
Yes, after you stack the data as I did, feel free to add a new column with size values. E.g. for 1st sample data, you can enter 9 in corresponding rows of this column. For all 2nd sample data, enter 15 in corresponding rows of this column, and so on.
Then in Plot Details, set size as this column.
Thanks, Snow |
alexkit |
Posted - 01/07/2016 : 05:45:21 AM Hi Snow,
Thank you for your extended explanations :)
Importing the data is a bit more tricky as it is always sorted differently and the amount of data varies. But copy&paste works well enough.
Your alternate sorting system might work. However, I am finding that it is a bit tricky to get the size right. For some samples I currently have 3 sampling. And some have 15. For the ones with 15 it is a bit difficult. Either the latest ones are huuuuuuge, or the first ones are too tiny.
Is it possible to have a given size value in the scaling factor? So let it use the values of a column rather than a scaling factor? Or at least give a minimum size to start the scaling from? |
snowli |
Posted - 01/05/2016 : 10:19:51 AM Hi Alex, We don't support symbol size incrment in a group of plot right now. I have jiraed this in https://originlab.jira.com/browse/ORG-14198 and will bring up in our next TS meeting.
For now, is it OK to stack your data into one pair of xy columns? E.g. I can highlight column B and plot as scatter. Map symbol size to Sample column. I can adjust Scaling Factor to make size bigger.
We support stacking data during import. If each of your sample is an ASCII file, you can choose File: Import: Multiple ASCII. Pick the samples and in the dialog then opened, choose Import Options -> Import Mode: as Start New Rows to stack them during import.
I saw you mentioned Posted - 12/15/2015 : 09:14:24 AM That sounds great! Thank you :)
"So book1 contains the first sampling of A, B and C. Book 2 contains the second sampling of A, B and C."
So you can make all into one sheet stacked one sample after another and only need to add one "Sample" column to mark what sample it is.
If you want to keep the data structure as the image in previous post, then, you have to manually set symbol size of each plot. Double click plot to open Plot Details dialog, on Group tab, set Symbol Type: Increment as None and also color to be None so each plot has same shape and color. You can go to Symbol tab to change shape and color at this stage.
Then set Edit Mode to be Independent. This allows you to select each plot on left panel and change symbol size on Symbol tabe.g. 1st plot, symbol size 2, 2nd plot symbol size 4, etc.
After customization is done, use File: Save Template As to save it as a graph template. Then if you have same data structure, you can highlight data and choose Plot: User-Defined: <template file name> menu to plot with it.
Note: In Origin 2016, we support cloneable template so when save this graph template, you can check cloneable. Then when plotting other worksheet, you don't even need to highlight the data. as long as the data structure is the same, you can plot with it. There is a tiny sheep icon to indicate user-defined template is cloneable or not.
Let me know if this works or not.
Thanks, Snow |
pk374966 |
Posted - 01/05/2016 : 07:23:27 AM I am grouping my data and since the data changes with time I would like to have them all the same shape and color but increase in size with time. So the last item in each group should be largest.
I can find the options to increment Symbol type, border color, fill color and inner symbol, but can I somehow add the option to increase the size by increment?
Would be great if someone could help me with this. Doing it manually is a real pain and makes the grouping option very limited.
alexkit |
Posted - 01/05/2016 : 04:01:50 AM eMailing confidential data is always a bit of a problem ;)
I am getting what you are getting and that is the problem right now^^
My sheets looks like this:
So I have 50 samplings each with of course a set of x- and y-data.
Now since x is never the same value twice, it makes no sense to increase the size by increment linked to x1.
What I need is to have all the data points from sampling 1 be size 2 and then all data points from sampling 2 be size 4 and all the data points from sampling 3 be size 6 and so on. |
snowli |
Posted - 01/04/2016 : 10:56:26 AM Hi Alex,
Sorry for the delay. We had two breaks.
As you have figured out, we don't have increment option in symbol size. Could you let me know if there will be increment option, do you expect the symbol size increment evenly over time?
As Ken said, you can create a column and map the each point's symbol size to corresponding value in that column. That column must exists in all worksheets you want to plot and map to. Also make sure the values in size column is what you expected. E.g. if you want the 1st symbol size to be the smallest, while the last symbol size the largest, make sure in size column, the 1st value is the smallest.
Could you email us your project so we can see how your samples are organized and the size column. I just made two books Sample1 and Sample2 with A, B, C columns and a Size column to map the symbol size to. Then plotted a stacked graph with multiple layers. Each layer same column from different samples. Is this what you want?
Thanks, Snow OriginLab Corp. |
alexkit |
Posted - 01/04/2016 : 06:33:50 AM Is nobody responding because of christmas holidays or because after all this work 'Origin actually does not support this function?
I would have thought that my shet setup makes more sense than what Origin does right now.
Don't most people take samples at different times? So first sampling will have 20 x and 20 y data points. Then the second sampling is performed at a later time, again with 20 x and 20 y data points. So logically it would be nice to have Origin make the first sampling look different than the second sampling. But right now it makes x1y1 look different from x1y2. It should be that x1y1 looks different than x2y1. |
alexkit |
Posted - 12/17/2015 : 06:24:25 AM OK, I resorted everything... which was a real pain^^
Now I have each group in one book.
The book is set up:
X1+Y1, X2+Y2 etc.
I have added another X column named "size" and in it I have the values 16,15....2,1. This does almost what I want^^
It now gives them different sizes. But seemingly using the wrong attribute.
Instead of giving X1+Y1 size 16 and X2+Y2 size 15 and so on it gives value1 of Y# the size 16 value2 of Y# the size 15 . .
That is obviously not what I am aiming for. Each combination of X+Y represents a time that has gone by.
So the first sampling was after 5 days, the second after 30 days etc. I want the first sampling (X1+Y1) to have the smallest symbolize and the newest (X22+Y22) to have the largest.
Now how do I get it to do this now? :) |
KenLefebvre |
Posted - 12/15/2015 : 12:32:53 PM Not necessarily, that should work unless there's something else odd going on with your settings. If you want to send your OPJ to our tech services account (tech@originlab.com) we can review it from here, but otherwise I have no idea why that would cause your symbols to disappear like that. |
alexkit |
Posted - 12/15/2015 : 09:47:06 AM The Col(T) values are simply the common sizes of symbols and have absolutely nothing to do with my data. I entered them like font sizes. Was that wrong? |
KenLefebvre |
Posted - 12/15/2015 : 09:44:19 AM Unfortunately the plot details dialog box won't easily let you do this if they're all in the same layer but on different worksheets. Unless there's a specific reason that the data needs to stay on separate worksheets, what I would recommend doing is making a duplicate of the workbook (for save keeping), and then taking one of these copies and using Worksheet>Append Worksheet to place these different samplings into a single sheet.
As for col(T), without knowing what the difference is between those values and your data, I don't know off the top of my head why those symbols would disappear like that. Albeit if you could provide a screenshot of your worksheet, I might have some better idea of what's causing that. |
alexkit |
Posted - 12/15/2015 : 09:14:24 AM That sounds great! Thank you :)
Just one question: All the data points are in different books.
So book1 contains the first sampling of A, B and C. Book 2 contains the second sampling of A, B and C.
The layer itself however contains all data from A, B OR C. So layer 1 contains only A (from book1, book2, book3,...) Layer 2 contains B from all the books...
So will this still work somehow?
I now created a new column in the first of the books. And in that column I wrote the values 8,10,12...24 But when I set the size to Col(T) and scaling to 1 the symbols disappear. |
KenLefebvre |
Posted - 12/15/2015 : 09:03:46 AM Hey Alex- I'm assuming you're talking about a scatterplot, is this correct? If so, if you're in the Symbol tab of Plot Details, you'll see the Size dropdown menu at the top. If you click on it, you'll see at the very bottom options like "Col(A)", "Col(B)", etc.
Select whichever one you want to index your data point size by, adjust your scaling factor, and you're in business!
Hope this helps
Ken Lefebvre Technical Service Representative OriginLab |