T O P I C R E V I E W |
Duff |
Posted - 12/29/2015 : 1:29:35 PM Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): Origin pro 2016 SR0 64 Operating System: Win 7 64
I think that the method does not work because it only doubles the graphs.That only happens in originpro 2016 |
7 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
snowli |
Posted - 02/06/2023 : 10:21:05 AM It depends on what data are in graph and settings such as Batch Plot with, etc. and if matching data can be found.
It's better you submit ticket with project so we can check into it.
Thanks, Snow |
Kiasatina |
Posted - 02/04/2023 : 05:35:18 AM when I want to use batch plotting, why my origin pro do not detect any book in the Select Workbook windows. It is empty |
snowli |
Posted - 12/30/2015 : 2:13:43 PM That seems a bug. Checking it should only force page short name to follow long name but removing spaces, etc. Batch plotting should still plot with new data.
I found that in Graph1, if there is long name, then no matter it checked or not, batch plotting works. If there is no long name, the problem will happen.
I jiraed this https://originlab.jira.com/browse/ORG-14175 for developer to take a look. It also happens in older versions, e.g. Origin 2015 and 9.1.
Thanks, Snow |
Duff |
Posted - 12/30/2015 : 1:33:32 PM I solved it! I unchecked the option "Auto update page short name to follow long name" in miscellaneous options! Thanks! |
snowli |
Posted - 12/30/2015 : 09:29:36 AM Weird. I used same data as you in 2016 sr0 (build 226 if you check Help: About Origin) and it works fine.
See Graph2 long name I got is different from what you got. Also when you are doing it, do you see e Reminder Message of significant portion of the new data lie outside the current axis limits?
Could you choose File: Open Sample Projects: Smart Plotting with Cloneable Template. Double click the 4-Panel graph to go to that folder. Use Batch Plotting again. This time choose 1st worksheet there -- [Book5A - 2000 - 2004]automomobile.
See if that works or not.
If not, i feel something is broken in your Origin. You may need to use Add or Remove Files to repair it.
Thanks, Snow
Duff |
Posted - 12/30/2015 : 06:20:07 AM Hello,
The second graph is exactly the copy of the first one. the same thing happens if I use the other methods. Thanks
snowli |
Posted - 12/29/2015 : 2:08:27 PM Hello,
I tried in 2016 sr0 and it works fine.
Could you let me know if you used Duplicate (Batch Plotting) -> Duplicate with New Sheets/Books or Duplicate (Batch Plotting) -> Duplicate with New Columns?
Could you put some screenshot of the graph and worksheets/books you want to do batch plotting or send the opj to tech@originlab.com so that we can take a look?
Thanks, Snow |