It seems that your data has been already cumulative, so essentially you can simply make a plot from the data in every worksheet. Also, the X data is already sorted to be plotted in order.
Please try the following script. (You need to remove % from the Y column to be treated as numbers.)//////////////////////////////////////////////////
%K=Graph2; //existing graph window name
doc -e LW {
set col(1) -dc 1; //set 1st column for X as categorical;
worksheet -a 1; //add one column;
plotxy (1,2) plot:=202 ogl:=[%K]1;
//203=Column 202=Line+Symbol 201=Scatter 200=Line
layer -g; //to group plots
In addition, Note that if you need to create individual graphs instead of adding plot into a single graph, you can use the Origin's Batch Plotting feature.
--Hideo Fujii