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 why log(x)=ln(x)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jonni Posted - 01/29/2003 : 09:45:18 AM
Why log(x) it is the same value as ln(x) what is wrong?????

And nag_real_polygamma(1,0)=-euler constant;-it is right
nag_real_polygamma(2,0)=1-euler constant;-it is right;
nag_real_polygamma(0.5,0)=-euler constant-log(4)<- has to be this value but it is equal -euler constant-ln(4).here is the problem.

Is it because Log(4) = Ln(4) or is it ONE MORE error also in nag_real_polygamma from NAG library??????????

What is wrong?????????????????

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jonni Posted - 01/29/2003 : 12:02:25 PM
Dear Easwar

Thank you for help and your time.

I confused a lot.

I can't find that they mean log as ln.

How more differences I will find between origin c and common expressions? :)

easwar Posted - 01/29/2003 : 11:43:18 AM
Hi Evgeniy,

In the Wolfram page you quote
they mean NATURAL log when they say Log(4), and not logarithm base 10.

When you use your calculator, Log(4) returns log base 10.

So, nag_real_polygamma(0.5,0)
= -Euler Gamma - log(4)
= nag_real_polygamma(1,0) - log(4)
= -0.5772157 - 1.386294
= -1.96351

And the above value of -1.96351 is what I quoted before - both NAG and Mathematica return this same value.


jonni Posted - 01/29/2003 : 11:08:32 AM
Thanks for help.
pleas have a look
this is digamma(0.5)=nag_real_polugamma(0.5,0)=-eulerconstant-log(4)
euler constant is 0.57721..(
log(4)=0.60205 (calculated using windows calculator)

result = -0.57721..-0.602...~-1.179... so.....


easwar Posted - 01/29/2003 : 10:40:53 AM
Hi jonni,

First of all, NAG is computing the values correctly.
I get nag_real_polygamma(0.5,0) = -1.96351
and I get the same value using Mathematica.

So the Origin C function, which just calls the NAG function, is returning correct values for this function.

Now, I think the problem you are having is the following: In Origin C, log(x) returns the natural logarithm of x. For base 10, the function is log10(x). This is because Origin C follows C syntax. Origin C also supports ln(x) for natural logarithm.


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