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 two x axis with different range- how to link it?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
vijayansiva Posted - 05/03/2016 : 07:33:05 AM

i want to plot a customized two x axis and one y axis plot. first x axis span from (100-900) second x axis (0-360). Note the second x axis unusual order. I dont want to sort my x axis.

x1 x2 Y
280 321 64
533 85 83
597 114 65
610 120 82

any help, thanks in advance

Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 8.5
Operating System:windows
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vijayansiva Posted - 05/03/2016 : 11:27:32 PM
hi Fujii,

Thanks for the quick reply and you guided me to get the exact plot.


Originally posted by Hideo Fujii

Hi vijayansiva,

It seems your goal is the last case in my blog (the Note in the section 3. Y-shared Double-X with Fig.9).
Specifically, you can follow the following steps:
1) Highlight A(X1) and C(Y2), and make a plot. Scale the (bottom X) as you like.
2) "Graph: New Layer: Top X(Linked Y scale & Dimension)"
3) Double-click the plot to show the Plot Details dialog, and select the TopX layer node 
   in the left panel, and select "Link Axes Scales" tab.
4) Select "Straight(1 to 1)" for X Axis Link, and press "Apply" buton. In the same tab, 
   select "None" for X Axis Link again, and press OK to close Plot Details.
5) Double-click the TopX axis to show the Axis dialog box for Layer2, and set: 
  Scale tab> Horizontal> Major Ticks: Type=By Custom Positions; Position=col(A).
  Tick Labels tab> Top> Display subtab: Tyoe=Tick-indexed dataset; Dataset Name=col(B).
  Click OK to close the dialog.
This produces the graph below:

The layers are not linked, so if you rescale the layer1, you need to redo the steps 3-5).

Hope this helps,

--Hideo Fujii

Hideo Fujii Posted - 05/03/2016 : 2:23:57 PM
Hi vijayansiva,

It seems your goal is the last case in my blog (the Note in the section 3. Y-shared Double-X with Fig.9).
Specifically, you can follow the following steps:
1) Highlight A(X1) and C(Y2), and make a plot. Scale the (bottom X) as you like.
2) "Graph: New Layer: Top X(Linked Y scale & Dimension)"
3) Double-click the plot to show the Plot Details dialog, and select the TopX layer node 
   in the left panel, and select "Link Axes Scales" tab.
4) Select "Straight(1 to 1)" for X Axis Link, and press "Apply" buton. In the same tab, 
   select "None" for X Axis Link again, and press OK to close Plot Details.
5) Double-click the TopX axis to show the Axis dialog box for Layer2, and set: 
  Scale tab> Horizontal> Major Ticks: Type=By Custom Positions; Position=col(A).
  Tick Labels tab> Top> Display subtab: Tyoe=Tick-indexed dataset; Dataset Name=col(B).
  Click OK to close the dialog.
This produces the graph below:

The layers are not linked, so if you rescale the layer1, you need to redo the steps 3-5).

Hope this helps,

--Hideo Fujii

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