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 Using a color palette with plotpclamp

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
leawob Posted - 06/07/2016 : 11:08:44 AM

first of all, I'm not sure whether I should post this here or in the LabTalk Forum. If this is the wrong forum, can an admin move this post?

I am working with pCLAMP files (.abf) in Origin 9. After I import the file, I am plotting it using the "plotpclamp" function. My data is then plotted with the sweeps in a certain color sequence (first sweep: black, second: red, third: green...). I would like to use a different color sequence, like the rainbow palette (first sweep: red, second: orange, third: yellow...).

I can only apply a palette to an individual sweep (starts off as red, then turns orange, yellow etc., ends dark blue), which is not what I want. I can also create a similar effect to what I want, by selecting the color from the "Individual Color" list for every sweep invidually. But doing this, I can only select one of those 24 predefined colors and no custom colors. For files with many sweeps I would like to use several shades of the different colors, so the first sweep is still red and the last sweep is still dark blue. Also, using this method, I need to reassign the colors for each file every time. I would like to change the default colors, so the plot has the sweeps already colored in the way that I want.

Is there a way to achieve this?


Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): Origin 9.0.0G (32.bit) SR2
Operating System: Windows 7 (64-bit)
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
leawob Posted - 06/08/2016 : 04:50:55 AM
Hey Chris,

I just tried it out and that's exactly what I wanted to do. Thanks a lot!

Chris D Posted - 06/07/2016 : 5:27:28 PM

Here is what you can do in Origin 9.0. For later versions the steps are almost exactly the same only choosing the palette is a bit easier.

1) In the "control panel" on the left of your pCLAMP graph window, select Display Mode: Continuous.
2) On the graph, double-click on the layer icon on the upper left to open the Layer Contents dialog.
3) In the Layer Content dialog, select all plots in the list on the right by select one and then hitting Ctrl+A on your keyboard.
4) With all plots selected in the list, click the Group button and then the OK button.
5) Now change Display Mode back to Sweeps.
6) Double-click on the plots in the graph to open the Plot Details dialog.
7) Make sure the first plot is selected in the list of plots on the left side of the Plot Details dialog.
8) In the Group tab on the right of the dialog, right-click in the "Line Color" colors and select Load Palette.
9) Choose your palette- e.g. Rainbow.PAL.
10) Set the Line Color Increment to Stretch.
11) Click OK button and your plots will now use the palette you chose.

Chris Drozdowski
Originlab Technical Support

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