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 XYZ as a map without interpolation

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jenskjensk Posted - 06/15/2016 : 10:01:48 AM
Origin Ver. 8pro Release SR3
Hi there,

I have a workbook with mapping data. Fist two rows are the X and Y coordinates and in the other columns (around 15) are the different mapped elements as Z coordinates. I can produce easily maps via XYZ-Contour maps. However, I don´t want to have an interpolation between individual points. I would like to have only the "true" measured resolution with a color scale.

I there an easy way to do it? I think I could dit once but can´t remember how to do

Thanks a lot, Jens
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hideo Fujii Posted - 06/16/2016 : 4:26:53 PM
Hi jens,

Okay, so if your data is regular, everything should go much easier. Here is a sample script to convert
{xyzz...z} data to {xyz},...{xyz}; then grid to make each matrix by "xyz_regular" x-function:
for(ii=1; ii<=nz; ii++) {
  wrcopy iw:=[ibook$]1! c1:=1 c2:=2 label:=1 ow:=<new>; //copy xy$=Z$(ii);
  colcopy irng:=[ibook$]1!wcol(ii+2) orng:=[ibook$]$(ii+1)!col(3); //copy z
  wks.col1.type=4;  //set as X
  wks.col2.type=1;  //set as Y
  wks.col3.type=6;  //set as Z
  xyz_regular col(3);  //Regular gridding, or try another like xyz_tps(...) 
  window -r %H Z$(ii); //rename the matrix window
  window -a %(ibook$);  

Hope this helps.

--Hideo Fujii
jenskjensk Posted - 06/16/2016 : 05:54:53 AM
Hi Hideo,

my data are all regular spaced and all in the same way. It is a mapping of elemets with the same resulution.
I do not have the option Heatmap as i have a very old version of Origin 8 pro.

However, I found a work around with "convert to matrx/XYZ-gridding" for me but it is time consuming with may data. For this I have to do it for each element individualy.

Is there a simple code to do it automaticaly?

My data in the workbook are always arraged like this:

x,y,z,z,z,z,z,z,z (each Z stands for one Elemen ).

I would like to transform the XYZ for each element into a Matrix (regular) and if possible it would be nice if these different matrices from the workbook could be arranged as Matrix object into a matrix sheet, because i want to do some calculations with the matrices.

Is there are simple way to put different matrices as object into a matrix sheet?

thanks again for your help,

Hideo Fujii Posted - 06/15/2016 : 6:51:25 PM
Hi Jens,

Probably you are talking the "heat map" plot(
If so, you need to organize your data as a matrix or a virtual matrix. When your data point's XY coordinates
are at a random position (rather than in a regular dataset), you need a virtual matrix.
Here is a sample script to convert a XYZ dataset to a virtual matrix, then draw a heat map:
iWks$=%H; //bookname
worksheet -i 0 Index; //insert index column
col(Index)=data(1,nr); //fill indices 
wsort bycol:=2; //sort by X
worksheet -i 1 xIndex; //insert xIndex column
wsort bycol:=4;  //sort by Y
worksheet -i 2 yIndex; //insert yIndex column
col(yIndex)=data(1,nr); //fill yIndex
wrcopy iw:=1! c1:=5 c2:=5 ow:=<new> transpose:=1; //copy transposed yIndex to new sheet
worksheet -i 0 xIndex;;
wsort bycol:=4;
wrcopy iw:=1! c1:=4 c2:=4 ow:=2! transpose:=0; //copy xIndex;
for(ii=nr;ii>=1;ii--) col(1)[ii+1]=col(1)[ii]; //shift down;
wsort bycol:=1;;
range ixIndex=[iWks$]1!col(2); //x positions
range iyIndex=[iWks$]1!col(3); //y positions
range iz=[iWks$]1!col(6);      //z values
for(ii=1;ii<=nr;ii++) wcol(iyIndex[ii]+1)[ixIndex[ii]+1]=iz[ii]; //fill z values
worksheet -s 0 0 0 0; //highlight the vm
plotvm rowpos:=selrow1 colpos:=selcol1 ogl:=<new template:=heatmap>; //plot a heatmap

Hope this helps.

--Hideo Fujii

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