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 Layout "save as.."

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
kfauth Posted - 06/28/2016 : 03:49:48 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): Pro2015G Sr2
Operating System: Win7Pro


Why is it not possible to do "save as..." with Layouts?
Why can they only be saved as templates (and again only to the default name?!) ?

At least with me, the "save as" or "save template as.." dialog entries are greyed out and thus inactive.

I like to use layouts for arranging pieces of scripts in buttons.
But it is very annoying that these cannot (as it appears to me)
easily be saved and in this way be shared between projects or users...

Am I missing something? (probably yes...)
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hideo Fujii Posted - 06/28/2016 : 2:00:39 PM
Hi kfauth,

> Any other ideas to set up similar arrangements?

If I were you, I would pursue a way to construct the interface on a graph window or a worksheet,
where you can place buttons. If you need to display a graph in the page, you can place a layer
in the graph window (you can hide all graph axes, tick labels, etc.), or put an embedded graph in
the worksheet. The button can trigger to display a "GetN" dialog box, if needed. If your interface
requires more sophisticated GUI elements, you may consider to use the User Interface Module (UIM)
on the page.

Hope this can hint what approach you want to take.

--Hideo Fujii
kfauth Posted - 06/28/2016 : 11:59:36 AM
Dear Hideo Fujii,

thank you for your kind answer. As far as I see this doesn't quite match my intention of using the template, though. I enclose an example of what it may look like:

'Behind' every button there is some code to be executed. Going through this is part of an automatted evaluation. Having these bits of code arranged in a Layout is a nice way (I think) to have a well-organized work place...
Once finished, collaborators should be able to share these Layouts.

Any other ideas to set up similar arrangements?
Hideo Fujii Posted - 06/28/2016 : 11:17:05 AM
Hi kfauth,

Layout window is essentially an image canvas, and what you can do with it is only to export or
to print for the presentation purpose.

However, the graphs or worksheets on a layout are placed with the linkage to the original
graph/worksheet windows to achieve the dynamic update. So, if you want to use your layout as
a "template", you can choose "File: Save Project without Data" menu (similar to the Analysis Template:);
then open it, and put the new data into the worksheet (and rescale/refresh windows),
you get the updated layout.

I hope this work-around helps you.

--Hideo Fujii

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