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 3d surface with 2 different z axis

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
clevertonp Posted - 07/09/2016 : 09:57:16 AM
Hi, I´m new here and I´m not native english speaker, so sorry for my text.

I want help in plot a 3d surface.
The surface have x and y axis to delimited the area (in micrometers) and have 2 z axis. One z has heigh variation (in micrometers) and another is softness or hardness variation (that I want to be represent in color scale).

Someone can help?
Best regards
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hideo Fujii Posted - 10/12/2016 : 6:04:21 PM
Hi roy2702,

I'm not sure but it seems you need the interpolated Y in XZ data (or X in YZ data). If this is what you want,
you can do the following: (See the sample below)

1) On YZ worksheet, copy Z column in XZ worksheet, then run "Analysis: Mathematics: Interpolate/Extrapolate
Y from X" to get Y according to the Z of XZ data.
2) Compose XYZ data with column X and Z from XZ data, and Y from the interpolated column in 1).
3) From this new XYZ data, make a 3D surface plot ("Plot: 3D Surface: Colormap Surface").
You can customize this surface plot whatever such as applying a desired palette for coloring.

I hope this helps.

--Hideo Fujii
roy2702 Posted - 10/12/2016 : 04:08:25 AM
Thanks for your help.

Yes, the plot shown will be almost ok.

However, Could you please modify the graph to plot the one which I have pasted. I want the plot somewhat like this pasted below

I am also pasting the data as mentioned (XZ and YZ).

0.500000000000000 8.30210133580258e-28
0.600000000000000 1.22726974346286e-20
0.700000000000000 1.83878948814452e-15
0.800000000000000 1.24142226750034e-11
0.900000000000000 9.34162094429984e-09
1 1.40683303022180e-06
1.10000000000000 6.30836669072274e-05
1.20000000000000 0.00111523204953725
1.30000000000000 0.00954606239234154
1.40000000000000 0.0462169403707457
1.50000000000000 0.142920149803677
1.60000000000000 0.311494583987184
1.70000000000000 0.519597449787454
1.80000000000000 0.711914682372513
1.90000000000000 0.851122006990967
2 0.933035342282015
2.10000000000000 0.973442552323527
2.20000000000000 0.990586441496207
2.30000000000000 0.996978499142825
2.40000000000000 0.999111167092088
2.50000000000000 0.999757755892239

0 0
0.0250000000000000 1.79681197659941e-62
0.0500000000000000 1.17870658153655e-31
0.0750000000000000 1.30114243600500e-18
0.100000000000000 1.40989707481645e-11
0.125000000000000 2.22507982550251e-07
0.150000000000000 9.36533808900443e-05
0.175000000000000 0.00432783472241073
0.200000000000000 0.0480885508442855
0.225000000000000 0.207419106558004
0.250000000000000 0.477428744853600
0.275000000000000 0.735590908822696
0.300000000000000 0.895525852938137
0.325000000000000 0.966593220399503
0.350000000000000 0.991025001161087
0.375000000000000 0.997905261649965
0.400000000000000 0.999563165131255
0.425000000000000 0.999916708692846
0.450000000000000 0.999985205175031
0.475000000000000 0.999997514300247
0.500000000000000 0.999999600072371

Please check whether this is possible or not.
Hideo Fujii Posted - 10/11/2016 : 5:25:33 PM
Hi roy2702,

The following sample has two surface plots - one for XZ data (with varying Y), and the other for
YZ data (with varying X). Are you thinking something like this way?

Because I don't know how you want to create (x, y, z) data from your datasets for a surface plot,
it is difficult to answer further to your question.

--Hideo Fujii
roy2702 Posted - 10/11/2016 : 3:37:10 PM
I have 2 data sets (X-Z and Y-Z) and I want to plot 3-D surface plot. Can anyone help me regarding this ?
Hideo Fujii Posted - 07/11/2016 : 4:31:44 PM
Hi Cleverton,

As I wrote above, in the current Origin, which doesn't support multiple 3D layers, you need to scale the
second plot to fit in the first plot's scale. Here is a sample of doing so by Set Column Values tool for the XYZ data:

After the second plot is plot inside the layer of the first plot (by Plot Setup dialog), I have shifted
it 40% Z upward (from the Surface tab in the Plot Details dialog).

3D plots from the matrix data can be done in a same way in principle.

Hope this helps.

--Hideo Fujii
clevertonp Posted - 07/11/2016 : 1:28:42 PM

Thank you for the answers.

What I want is some kind of this image.
x and y is a dimension units of the area².
z is the heigh variation of the surface
in the same z axis will be exhibited in color scale another values.

On this image futhermore is represent in the collum more than one layer. If I can represent my work in that way it will be awesome.

Best regards,
Hideo Fujii Posted - 07/11/2016 : 10:24:00 AM
Hi clevertonp,

> another is softness or hardness variation (that I want to be represent in color scale).

From your message, I thought you may want to represent the second Z values as the color scale
on a surface from the first Z values. If this is the case, Origin is capable to visualize such.
Please try the following sample:

If you want to make two plots in a same 3D frame, as Jacqueline suggested, you can either
utilize the Layout window (same frame size and view angle, if overlapped, as a sample below),

or better normalize their scales so that two plots can plotted and fit, and notably hidden surface
elimination is possible.

I hope you find a way to go.

--Hideo Fujii
JacquelineHe Posted - 07/11/2016 : 06:31:27 AM

I am afraid Origin dose not support mutiple Z axis for the 3D graph.

If you need show two 3D graph together, you can try to use "Layout" as this sample graph:

To know more detail about "Layout", please refer to this help page:


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