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 Moving data points on 3D surface

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huseyin_hzl Posted - 07/13/2016 : 04:11:54 AM
Hello all,

I am plotting 3D surface graph with origin. In this, graph i need to move and mask some data points, but i am unable to do so since those are not active. How can i do data masking and moving?

Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): Origin 2016 (v9.3)
Operating System:Windows 10 Pro
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huseyin_hzl Posted - 07/14/2016 : 11:54:54 AM
Originally posted by Hideo Fujii

Hi huseyin_hzl,

I meant that you need to put the same dataset redundantly to the same layer in the same
graph - one as a 3D surface, the other as a 3D scatter. After creating a 3D surface plot, open
the Layer Contents dialog by double-clicking the layer icon( [1] ), and put the same Z dataset
again to the graph layer. You see the same

By the way, it seems that drag-and-droping the tiny graph icon at the edge of the highlighted Z
column onto the existing 3D surface plot also works to add a 3D scatter plot to it,

Good luck.

--Hideo Fujii

Thank you very much for your help. It will be very helpful for my analysis.
Hideo Fujii Posted - 07/14/2016 : 11:17:04 AM
Hi huseyin_hzl,

I meant that you need to put the same dataset redundantly to the same layer in the same
graph - one as a 3D surface, the other as a 3D scatter. After creating a 3D surface plot, open
the Layer Contents dialog by double-clicking the layer icon( [1] ), and put the same Z dataset
again to the graph layer. You see the same

By the way, it seems that drag-and-droping the tiny graph icon at the edge of the highlighted Z
column onto the existing 3D surface plot also works to add a 3D scatter plot to it,

Good luck.

--Hideo Fujii
huseyin_hzl Posted - 07/14/2016 : 03:31:30 AM
Originally posted by Hideo Fujii

Hi huseyin_hzl,

Although as Yuki wrote, masking or removing data point directly in 3D surface plot is not possible,
here is a work-around: (assuming your surface plot is based on XYZ data)

1) Using Layer Contents, put the Z dataset to the graph layer as a 3D Scatter plot. (Choose
"3D Scatter/Trajectory/Vector" plot type button between left and right panel.)
2) Choose Data Reader tool button, and select the data point which you want to mask.
3) Right-click on the Data Display (or Data Info) box, and choose "Go to Worksheet" flyout.
In your worksheet, the data row of the selected point should be highlighted.
4) Press "Mask range" tool button (in the Mask toolbar). Or, if you want to delete the data point,
delete the row from the worksheet.

Hope this helps.

--Hideo Fujii

Thank you for your answer. Actually I just couldn't understand the first item. I have XYZ data, but when I try to draw 3D scatter, my graph doesn't look like yours.

Hideo Fujii Posted - 07/13/2016 : 3:54:45 PM
Hi huseyin_hzl,

Although as Yuki wrote, masking or removing data point directly in 3D surface plot is not possible,
here is a work-around: (assuming your surface plot is based on XYZ data)

1) Using Layer Contents, put the Z dataset to the graph layer as a 3D Scatter plot. (Choose
"3D Scatter/Trajectory/Vector" plot type button between left and right panel.)
2) Choose Data Reader tool button, and select the data point which you want to mask.
3) Right-click on the Data Display (or Data Info) box, and choose "Go to Worksheet" flyout.
In your worksheet, the data row of the selected point should be highlighted.
4) Press "Mask range" tool button (in the Mask toolbar). Or, if you want to delete the data point,
delete the row from the worksheet.

Hope this helps.

--Hideo Fujii
yuki_wu Posted - 07/13/2016 : 06:12:16 AM

I am sorry that we cannot mask and remove data point in 3D surface graph.

If you want to remove the data points, please go to the source worksheet and delete the data.

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