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 Fitting 2 equations to different ranges of x

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CMcRitchie Posted - 07/28/2016 : 08:37:47 AM

I wondered if it was possible to use the Fitting Function Organiser in the following way:

Using x,y data where 0<x<2000

Create a function that applies two or more equations to the experimental data over different ranges of x

e.g. Equation 1: y = a + (b*x) where 0<x<40

Equation 2: y = a + (b*x) where 40<x<2000

I know I can manually select different parts of the experimental data and apply each function in turn, however it would be really beneficial for me if this could be done using a user created function.

Any help would be much appreciated,

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hideo Fujii Posted - 07/28/2016 : 11:15:45 AM
Hi CMcRitchie,

> if (x<x0) y=function1(x);
> if (x0<=x<=xa) y=function2(x);
> else y=function3(x);
> what is the correct command for the 2nd line?
> I assume repeating "if" is not correct.

The syntax should be like (assuming function type is Origin C):
if(x<x0)      y=function1(x);  //x<x0
else if(x<xa) y=function2(x);  //x0<=x<xa
else          y=function3(x);  //xa<=x
Hope this helps.

--Hideo Fujii

CMcRitchie Posted - 07/28/2016 : 10:59:02 AM
Originally posted by Hideo Fujii

Hi CMcRitchie,

> Do you know if there is a similar alternative that would accommodate non-linear functions?

Currently, there is no built-in piecewise non-linear functions. So, you need to make a user-defined function
generally in the following way:
if( x<x0 )  y=function1(x);
else	    y=function2(x); //function2 is a curve which passes (x0,y0) to connect to function1

The hard (if not impossible) part may be to find the form of function2 by solving y0=function2(x0) analytically.

Good luck.

--Hideo Fujii

Again thanks for your help. I have started to play around with using 2 equations, if I were to introduce a third equation, what do I write as the code to introduce an additional condition on the range of x? i.e. go from PWL2 to PWL3


if (x<x0) y=function1(x);
if (x0<=x<=xa) y=function2(x);
else y=function3(x);

what is the correct command for the 2nd line? I assume repeating "if" is not correct.

Many thanks,

Hideo Fujii Posted - 07/28/2016 : 10:48:58 AM
Hi CMcRitchie,

> Do you know if there is a similar alternative that would accommodate non-linear functions?

Currently, there is no built-in piecewise non-linear functions. So, you need to make a user-defined function
generally in the following way:
if( x<x0 )  y=function1(x);
else	    y=function2(x); //function2 is a curve which passes (x0,y0) to connect to function1

The hard (if not impossible) part may be to find the form of function2 by solving y0=function2(x0) analytically.

Good luck.

--Hideo Fujii
CMcRitchie Posted - 07/28/2016 : 10:06:52 AM
Originally posted by Hideo Fujii

Hi CMcRitchie,

I think you can consider the built-in functions in the Piecewise category such as PWL2 for two segments
(or PWL3 for three segments):

Please take a look.

--Hideo Fujii

Hi Hideo Fujii,

Thanks for your suggestion. Do you know if there is a similar alternative that would accommodate non-linear functions?


Hideo Fujii Posted - 07/28/2016 : 09:50:20 AM
Hi CMcRitchie,

I think you can consider the built-in functions in the Piecewise category such as PWL2 for two segments
(or PWL3 for three segments):

Please take a look.

--Hideo Fujii

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