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 Splitting into a number of woksheets

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
shahdi235 Posted - 08/23/2016 : 09:08:39 AM

I have a worksheet that plotted a 25 processes (peaks) as in attached figure. I am interested on those peaks only. Can someone please help me on how to split them?

S - starting point of the process, S for first peak @ x=6560
Process - 2900 datapoints each
gap - Range between last point of process and starting point of next process - 3168 datapoints

The process and gap data are the same for all 25 process

My plan is to have individual worksheet for each peak, so i can develop a waterfall graph afterwards.


3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
snowli Posted - 08/23/2016 : 4:04:09 PM
You are welcome:)
shahdi235 Posted - 08/23/2016 : 11:24:51 AM
Brilliant, Thank you very much Snow!

Originally posted by snowli

You can achieve this by two steps since you have same number of points to keep and same number of points to skiip.

Choose Worksheet: Reduce Rows.
Choose Reduce Method: Delete N rows, then skip M rows.
Delete Rows: 3168
Skip Rows: 2900
Starting Row to Delete: 9460 (this is 6560+2900 since Origin will delete and then skip from the specified Starting row to Delete).

Note: In this dialog, you can set Recalculation: Auto.
Output: <new>

so the result will be put to new worksheet instead of replacing your existing sheet

Now with the created sheet active, choose Worksheet: Split Worksheet. Split by Number of Rows: 2900.

Note: To later plot waterfall graph, maybe it's easier if you choose Worksheet: Split Columns so all the splitted data are put in same sheet so that you can easily highlight all data and plot into a waterfall.

Thanks, Snow

snowli Posted - 08/23/2016 : 09:46:22 AM
You can achieve this by two steps since you have same number of points to keep and same number of points to skip.

Choose Worksheet: Reduce Rows.
Choose Reduce Method: Delete N rows, then skip M rows.
Delete Rows: 3168
Skip Rows: 2900
Starting Row to Delete: 9460 (this is 6560+2900 since Origin will delete and then skip from the specified Starting row to Delete).

Note: In this dialog, you can set Recalculation: Auto.
Output: <new>

so the result will be put to new worksheet instead of replacing your existing sheet

Now with the created sheet active, choose Worksheet: Split Worksheet. Split by Number of Rows: 2900.

Note: To later plot waterfall graph, maybe it's easier if you choose Worksheet: Split Columns so all the splitted data are put in same sheet so that you can easily highlight all data and plot into a waterfall.

Thanks, Snow

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