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 Customize Default settings of Annotation-Labels

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
rolandzenn Posted - 09/08/2016 : 09:27:49 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): OriginPro 9.0.0 (64 bit) SR2
Operating System: Windows 7


I'm often processing IR and Raman data. I don't like the Peak labels from the "Peak Analyzer --> Find Peaks" menu, because the labels often overlap. So that's why I want to use the data reader/annotation tool, because here I can move the label, while the dashed line remains fixed at the peak position. However, when I create labels with the data reader/annotation tool I have to rotate and change the font size of every single label. Is there a way to customize the default settings of the labels, which are created via the data reader/annotation tool.

Thank you in advance
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
rolandzenn Posted - 09/12/2016 : 03:58:02 AM
Hallo Chris D,

thanks for the quick answer! Sadly I can't update to Origin 2016 and the problem with the label-theme is, it changes the size of the y,x-axis labels and other labels that I'am using in my graph. Actually I found another way to solve this issue, though it's not perfectly convenient. I'm using the "copy format" on a customized label and then paste the format to all other labels by selecting them all at once.
Chris D Posted - 09/08/2016 : 10:41:05 AM

Well you have two options:
1. Upgrade to Origin 2016. In newer version of Origin than 9.0, you can specify offsetting and leader lines for Labels on graphs. So you could actually use the peak labels and offset them with leader lines.

And to download a demo of Origin 2016:

2. If you must stay with Origin 9.0, you can create a Theme for use with your annotation tool texts though it requires many steps that are illustrated in the picture below. Once you create a Theme, you can add your annotations. Then press F7 to open the Theme Organizer. From within the Organizer, you can select your Theme and apply it to the graph. The only downside is that it may change other texts on your graph besides just the annotations.

Chris Drozdowski
Originlab Technical Support

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