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 False Origin 2015 not responding

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Tryphon Posted - 09/19/2016 : 03:54:46 AM

Long ago, I used Origin 7 under Windows XP. In my labtalk macro I used the status bar at the left bottom to inform the user of the calculation progression (type -q "Step 17/180").

I try to do the same thing under Origin 2015 + Windows 8.1 but most of the time the title field of the Origin window displays "Not responding". This never happened in my previous configuration.

The execution of my macro can be very long : several hours in some cases. Of course, Origin performs correctly the process up to the end but the status bar does not react all the time. In this situation the user believes the macro hangs.

I feel there is something strange in the communication between Origin 2015 and Windows that let it thinking Origin is not responding whereas it is not the case.

Any other idea to make the status bar alive along all the execution time?

Thank you.

Origin Ver. 2015 sr2
Operating System: Windows 8.1 64 bits
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
yuki_wu Posted - 09/20/2016 : 03:26:30 AM

From your words, I suppose Origin is freezing and unfreezing alternately because of the huge memory usage of your progress. This is the reason why the progress bar appears, disappears and appears again.

I am sorry we cannot keep the dialog permanently at the front end in this case.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Tryphon Posted - 09/19/2016 : 08:29:34 AM

I own to the old school and I did not know this cute bar progression.

I inserted these commands as you shown but the progression window disappears a long time ... appears again ... and disappears ... and I can follow only a part of the progression.

Is there a possibility to keep the window permanently in the front end ?

Thank you.
yuki_wu Posted - 09/19/2016 : 05:21:47 AM

When you see “Not Responding” in the title bar, it means that Origin program is freezing for the moment as well as the status bar.

Perhaps you should show the progress in progress bar instead of status bar. This is a simple example of progress bar:; //Open a progress dialog box
break.min = 1;  //Minimum value of the progress bar
break.max = 200; //Maximum value of the progress bar
	break.setMsg("Step of $(ii)/200",1); //Set message displayed in the progress dialog box
	break.set(ii); //Set the current value for the progress dialog box
	col(A) = data(1,1000000);

Also, you can find more about Break here:

Hope it helps.


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