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 Shifting Data Sets / Curves

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jb240 Posted - 09/19/2016 : 09:30:52 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release OriginPro 2016G (Select Help-->About Origin):
Operating System:Windows 2010

I would like to shift a set of curves so they will met a target curve/line. I have tried vertical traslation, but it allows me to shift only one curve, the others can't be translated. How do you use the option shifting by steps or subtract a value. I would like to shift the curves below (pls see image) let say at 2 magnitudes on my scale (to the red dotted curve).

Thanks in advance!
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hideo Fujii Posted - 09/20/2016 : 09:30:22 AM
Hi JB,

> one set of curve is left behind.

A possibility is that the Y data of the curve which couldn't be shifted has been locked for recalculation
(indicated by a green lock icon in the column header). Could you please go back to the data, and check
if it is the case? If so, left-click the lock, and select "Recalculate Mode: None" flyout to reset the mode.
(Obviously, you consequently would loose the recalculation process for the column.)

Thank you.

--Hideo Fujii
jb240 Posted - 09/20/2016 : 08:03:20 AM
Hi Hideo,
Thanks so much, the script works. However, why is it that not all data points are shifted one set of curve is left behind. They all actually belong to layer 1. Does this mean that translating the data point mean that my original data in the table are also changed?

Thanks in advance!


Originally posted by Hideo Fujii

Hi JB,

After thinking of several ways, let me suggest an easy-going approach:
Run the Vertical Translation gadget, and execute the following simple script:
GetN (Paste the offset value after vertical translation) vt;
string p0$=%C;
doc -e DY {
   string p1$=%C;
   if(p0$!=p1$) %(p1$)=%(p1$)+vt;
Copy the offset value reported in the Result Log, and paste it to the dialog which appears from this script.
All plots should be translated by adding the same offset. Note that this works no matter plots are grouped, or not.

Hope this works.

--Hideo Fujii

Hideo Fujii Posted - 09/19/2016 : 3:47:18 PM
Hi JB,

After thinking of several ways, let me suggest an easy-going approach:
Run the Vertical Translation gadget, and execute the following simple script:
GetN (Paste the offset value after vertical translation) vt;
string p0$=%C;
doc -e DY {
   string p1$=%C;
   if(p0$!=p1$) %(p1$)=%(p1$)+vt;
Copy the offset value reported in the Result Log, and paste it to the dialog which appears from this script.
All plots should be translated by adding the same offset. Note that this works no matter plots are grouped, or not.

Hope this works.

--Hideo Fujii

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