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 editing plot after subtracting baseline 8.1

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
rogerm Posted - 09/29/2016 : 6:04:30 PM
In Peak Analyzer, I manually set anchor points for the baseline of a spectrum, connect the points by linear or spline and subtract. This generates a window called PeakAnalyzerPreview which shows the spectrum with baseline subtracted but I can't edit this window, change axes etc. It seems frozen. How do I make an editable plot window of it? Then when I click on finish the window showing the spectrum with subtracted baseline disappears.
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rogerm Posted - 10/04/2016 : 03:33:12 AM
THank you Hideo, you are very helpful
rogerm Posted - 10/04/2016 : 03:30:35 AM
Originally posted by Hideo Fujii

Hi rogerm,

> where do I find a table of the amplitude and widths of the resulting peaks

You should be able to find the generated report sheet (e.g., "FitPeaks1"), which includes the
estimated parameters under the "Parameters" branch, from the Peak Analyzer in the workbook
where your original data resides.

Good luck.

--Hideo Fujii

Hideo Fujii Posted - 10/03/2016 : 09:54:24 AM
Hi rogerm,

> where do I find a table of the amplitude and widths of the resulting peaks

You should be able to find the generated report sheet (e.g., "FitPeaks1"), which includes the
estimated parameters under the "Parameters" branch, from the Peak Analyzer in the workbook
where your original data resides.

Good luck.

--Hideo Fujii
rogerm Posted - 09/30/2016 : 6:21:59 PM
Originally posted by Hideo Fujii

Hi rogerm,

Could you please try to change the plot property from the menu, e.g., "Format: Axes"
menu for the axis scale, "Format: Plot Properties" for e.g., the line color, etc.?
Though I don't have Origin 8.1 version on my computer, at least this method works
in the latest Origin 2016.

--Hideo Fujii

Thank you Hideo - that worked! I guess you can't do the edit by double clicking on the axes as you normally can. Another quick question if I may - after I do a multiple peak fit, where do I find a table of the amplitude and widths of the resulting peaks. I am used to that information coming up in a box on the plot.
Thank you again for your help
Hideo Fujii Posted - 09/30/2016 : 10:20:33 AM
Hi rogerm,

Could you please try to change the plot property from the menu, e.g., "Format: Axes"
menu for the axis scale, "Format: Plot Properties" for e.g., the line color, etc.?
Though I don't have Origin 8.1 version on my computer, at least this method works
in the latest Origin 2016.

--Hideo Fujii

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