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 Extracting data from huge dataset

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
indd27 Posted - 10/11/2016 : 06:55:32 AM
Origin Ver.9.00G SR1
Operating System:Windows 7

I have a set of 10 columns and about 80,000 rows. From these data I want to extract some useful information in the following way:
If a value in a given column is 133, the values of 3 other columns in the same row should be copied to columns 11 to 13. In best case starting from row 1 again, so that I have all data next to each other.
I think this should be possible, I just don't know how. Could you please give some advice? Thanks in advance.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
snowli Posted - 10/12/2016 : 5:09:54 PM
This blog may be helpful for you to convert text into Date and Time values.

Thanks, Snow
Hideo Fujii Posted - 10/12/2016 : 5:07:15 PM
Hi indd27,

It seems that column has 3 fields - number (days? indicated by 'd'), Time (hh:mm:ss format), and
another number separated by a comman(,).
To separate them, you can to the following steps:

1) Highlight the column, and copy it by CTRL-C.
2) Start Import Wizard (File: Import: Import Wizard menu)
3) In the first Source page, choose "Clipboard". Press "Next" 3 times to come to "Data Column" page.
4) Set the delimiter to Space, Comma, and Other=d.
Also, right-click the column header of Time field, and select "Set Format> Time" flyouts. Enter hh:mm:ss
in the Custom Time Format field, and press Apply button.
5) Finally "Finish" button to "import" the data to convert your data in separated fields.

After this process, you can merge original worksheet and this result sheet by "Worksheet: Append Worksheet" menu.

This worked for your data?

--Hideo Fujii
indd27 Posted - 10/12/2016 : 11:53:45 AM
Thanks, the filter works great.
But now I got the next problem.
The values of one column are a time like shown here:

0d 02:42:32,70000

How can I convert this "text" to a number I can work with like seconds or minutes?

Hideo Fujii Posted - 10/11/2016 : 4:07:03 PM
Hi indd27,

I have tried to apply a filter( to a worksheet
with 10 columns and 80,000 rows. It was quick. You can copy-and-paste desired columns into new columns
in the same worksheet. The pasted data is the result of filtered out. (Then, you can turn off the filter.)

Another way is to use the Worksheet Query(,
but this cannot add the extract data to the same worksheet, so anyway you need to delete unnecessary
columns, then append the columns to the original worksheet.

Hope this helps.

--Hideo Fujii

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