I have the exact same problem, setting the y-axis to anything else than 0, creates an additional x-axis at the old zero which is not selectable or removeable. You mention a workaround which i cant get to work. Is there another solution now ? Suggest to include a solution in the next sr.
1 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First)
Posted - 10/14/2016 : 12:31:33 PM Hi Nilsdalby,
In Axis dialog. Select Grids tab. Choose Vertical icon on the left panel.
Uncheck Y=0 checkbox.
Then the Y=0 line will disappear.
For Bar plot in Origin, this Y=0 is checked by default so bars will plot from 0 instead of bottom axis.
You can try with some negative values in Y column and plot Column plot to see the effect.