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 personalized import filter

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dayor Posted - 10/17/2016 : 07:42:16 AM
in trying to construct my own import filter i've ran into a problem I can't seem to solve. the header of all my files (which is given by the measurement software and cannot be changed) is as followed:

"Comment y-axis"
"Long name x-axis unit x-axis" "Long name y-axis"

As I will later only import the x-axis of the first dataset and afterwards only the y-axis, it is import that the comment is written in each y-axis.
Is it possible to define longname comment etc by position alone and individually for x and y axis?
Can anyone please tell me how to fit this into an import filter?

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hideo Fujii Posted - 10/17/2016 : 4:04:16 PM
Hi Dayor,

> "Comment y-axis"
> "Long name x-axis unit x-axis" "Long name y-axis"
> As I will later only import the x-axis of the first dataset and afterwards only the y-axis,
> it is import that the comment is written in each y-axis.
> Is it possible to define longname comment etc by position alone and individually for x and y axis?

Though I cannot figure out exactly what you want to achieve from which kind of the source data
structure, I suspect and suggest the following:

The header of the first row for the Y Comment is at the first field, therefore it would be placed
as a comment of the first column against your intention to place in the second column.
To achieve what you want, you can place the following LabTalk command in the
"Script after Each File Import" box at the advanced filter options page:
to copy the first column's Comment to the second column. After importing all files, you may need
to delete the X column for each Y dataset.

Hope my suggestion helps.

--Hideo Fujii

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