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 Flipping of Dendrogram branches

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Disasterrr Posted - 11/08/2016 : 4:08:21 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): OriginPro 2016, b9.3.226
Operating System: Win 10

Dear colleagues!

I'm trying to create a clustered heatmap using Heat Map with Dendrogram app from File Exchange.

The heatmap is generated based on my data and then I want to flip two branches of dendrogram coming from the same node (for better visual representation). Is it possible? Or should I somehow sort my data before clusterization?

Can anyone give me an algorithm or at least a hint? Thank you in advance.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Disasterrr Posted - 11/09/2016 : 7:43:38 PM
Dear Amanda,

Thank you very much for your reply! However, my question is a bit different... I do not want to change the topology of the Dendrogram tree or distances between clusters - just the order of observations in the resulting heatmap.

If I am correct, then for every Dendrogram tree numerous mathematically equivalent variants exist. I'll try to illustrate that with the pics below (sorry for clumsy editing):

As you can see, the Dendrogram structure remains the same, but the resulting pictures differ by row numbers.

Is the plotting of final heatmap based on data from "Clustergram" book generated during analysis? If so, what Sheet contains the information for the plot? Maybe I'll be able to sort data in these sheets to edit the resulting heatmap?
AmandaLu Posted - 11/09/2016 : 02:29:17 AM

The branch order is determined by algorithm and you cannot change it manually. But you can try change the Cluster Method and see if other method can get the order you want.

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