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 Fitting Multiple Separated Ranges in a single data

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Jonedontknow Posted - 11/14/2016 : 08:50:35 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 9
Operating System: win10

Dear all:

I have a problem fitting the plateau part of a hysteresis curve.

The data points are plotted from left-hand side(point #1) to right-hand side (#210) and back to left-hand side (#466), that is, it is a full "loop"

I can fit the right-hand side plateau by selecting the data range starting at the beginning of the plateau (#189) to the right most (#210) and to the left end (#251) of the plateau (#189->210->251).

However, for the left-hand side plateau, the data are of #1~55 and #412~466, respectively. How could I select these two ranges at the same time and fit it. It may be familiar to some of you that, in Python, the range can be specified by [412:55], while in Origin, it seems not working.

Very appreciate your reading and answering.
Thank you.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
moJJ13 Posted - 11/05/2020 : 10:38:01 AM
Dear all,

it's been 4 years but I think he current (Origin2020b) Version has a solution which has probably been there for a while.
So for everyone who comes here looking for an answer, my solution to this problem is the following:

Select your data → Analysis → Fitting → (e.g.) Nonlinear Curve Fit → Open Dialogue → (Select a function of your choice) → Select "Data Selection" under "Settings" → Press on the arrow on the right end of the line with "Input Data" → "Add Plot(1): Data".
Now you can define two individual ranges.
Finally, the most important part:
In the field of "Multi-Data Fit Mode", with the default setting "Independent Fit - Consolidated Report", change the selection to "Concatenate Fit".

That's it - you will have a fit only defined by the two regions you chose earlier.

Hopefully, someone finds still helpful :).
Echo_Chu Posted - 11/15/2016 : 02:57:23 AM

I am afraid that Origin can not fit multiple separated range in a single data.

However, I suggest you mask the unwanted data points for fitting in Origin.

That is, you can click the mask button on the toolbar left side to mask a range of data on graph.

The masked data points will be excluded in the analysis.

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