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 Reduce calculation output to specified cells

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ceysa75 Posted - 01/13/2017 : 05:19:41 AM
Origin 2017G / b9.4.0.220
Operating System:Win7 Professional (64Bit)

Now, with 2017 the content of specific cells can easily be adressed via e.g. -> Column A, Row 3 = A3. Good thing. What I really miss is to reduce the output of certain calculations to individual cells, i.e. something like 'set cell values' appearing as context menue when right clicking a cell. Or 'excel-like' directly via an equal sign (see figure). Any future plans in this regard ? This is a significant missing feature required to convince some of my colleagues to switch to origin.

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snowli Posted - 11/13/2017 : 3:56:31 PM

Just FYI, we have released Origin 2018 with cell formula supported. See Cell Formula section on

Thanks, Snow
OriginLab Corp.
snowli Posted - 02/08/2017 : 2:34:03 PM
Just FYI: Our Set Column Values can work in cell and range of a column.

E.g. if you are in a cell and press Ctrl+Q, it will open Set Column Values dialog with the row from and to pre-filled.

You can type Max(A)*B2*C2 to set the cell values.

The new syntax will not work in bottom panel of Set Column Values dialog but it works fine in formula box in Set Column Values.

Thanks, Snow
cpyang Posted - 02/08/2017 : 11:32:05 AM
We are going to fix this var cell link to support similar notation in the soon upcoming SR1. Internal item ORG-16013.

Thanks for reporting this, we didnt think of the cell link notation when implementing the set column values using simpler notation.

ceysa75 Posted - 02/08/2017 : 04:03:11 AM
OK. Didn't know that. Thanks for the hint. But, wouldn't it be more consistent when using

var://max(A) * B2 * C2

Unfortunately, that does not seem to work. Any changes planned in the future in this regard ? And while implementing why not directly using the following code as cell input

'= max(A) * B2 * C2'

That would be really user friendly. Can I open a respective ticket to the developers ?
Castiel Posted - 01/13/2017 : 06:24:39 AM
Originally posted by ceysa75

Origin 2017G / b9.4.0.220
Operating System:Win7 Professional (64Bit)

Now, with 2017 the content of specific cells can easily be adressed via e.g. -> Column A, Row 3 = A3. Good thing. What I really miss is to reduce the output of certain calculations to individual cells, i.e. something like 'set cell values' appearing as context menue when right clicking a cell. Or 'excel-like' directly via an equal sign (see figure). Any future plans in this regard ? This is a significant missing feature required to convince some of my colleagues to switch to origin.

Cell-level calculating is possible by linking to LabTalk variable, though the Excel reference style is not applicable:

var://max(col(A)) * col(B)[2] * col(C)[2]

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