Originally posted by ceysa75
Origin 2017G / b9.4.0.220
Operating System:Win7 Professional (64Bit)
Now, with 2017 the content of specific cells can easily be adressed via e.g. -> Column A, Row 3 = A3. Good thing. What I really miss is to reduce the output of certain calculations to individual cells, i.e. something like 'set cell values' appearing as context menue when right clicking a cell. Or 'excel-like' directly via an equal sign (see figure). Any future plans in this regard ? This is a significant missing feature required to convince some of my colleagues to switch to origin.
Cell-level calculating is possible by linking to LabTalk variable, though the Excel reference style is not applicable:
var://max(col(A)) * col(B)[2] * col(C)[2]
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