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 Calculation of average in merged columns

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Bharat Rajan Posted - 02/06/2017 : 10:32:03 AM
Dear Members
i am facing problem in calculation of average value in merged columns . Let say i have total 9 data from 3 test replicates. I want to take average of each test replicate and followed by overall average of all data from these average value of individual test replicate average value. I also want to calculate Std.ev of these three mean values.

For more details you can find the origin sheet attached herewith. Please help, i am trying it from past 6 hours but it is not working (i have used the set column value function).
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Echo_Chu Posted - 02/10/2017 : 03:39:07 AM

Please rearrange your worksheet as below to get the values

*To get col(f) and col(g)*
1. Highlight column A and B, choose menu "Analysis:Mathematics:Reduce Duplicate X Data"

*To get col(h) and col(i)*
1. Highlight col(G).
2. Open Command window if it is not opened yet (menu "Window: Command Window")
2. In the command window, type script as below and press Enter
colstats -d

I also attached the OPJ as below, You can click the green lock on the columns to see how the dialog is set to get the values.

OriginLab Technical Support
Bharat Rajan Posted - 02/09/2017 : 11:01:43 AM
Dear Echo_Chu,

Thanks for your active assistance on query. My question is bit different, plz try with below given update sheet, hope this time i have presented it in more clear way and you will understand it .In this i want separate mean for each three data (till that it is working fine, till column C)but the problem start when i further proceed to take mean from different mean values (column D: it is not coming right).

And at the end i want graph between column E1(X-axis) and D (y-axis)with error column (E).
Looking forward for your assistance.
Echo_Chu Posted - 02/07/2017 : 03:33:58 AM

I am a little confused with your project file.

Please note that the mean value in column D is not (90+120+70)/3. It is because if I remove the merged cells in column C, it looks as below

Anyway, I suppose what you want is to remove the duplicated values and calculate the mean for the unique values. If so, you can
1. Remove duplicated rows with menu "Worksheet: Remove/Combine Duplicated Rows"
2. Calculated the statistics from the new column with reduced values (menu "Statistics: Descriptive Statistics: Statistics on Columns")

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