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 UIM - combox OriginPro7G

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blt2si Posted - 10/29/2003 : 09:33:40 AM
Hi all,
This may seem like a really simple thing, but i can't actually get it to work. How do i edit the list and add names to a UIM COMBOX (in OriginPro 7G)? I've tried right clicking on the COMBOX and trying to access properties but it wont open the properties menu at all. Is there something i have to activate to allow it to work or am i going about it all wrong?
Thanx heaps for any help!
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Mike Buess Posted - 11/01/2003 : 6:57:29 PM
UIM documentation is in your OriginPro Manual. COMBOX starts on page 223 in the English version.

BTW, if you're using Origin 7 and have placed your COMBOX in the plot control region you won't be able to edit it manually by accessing it with the mouse. But Labtalk properties and methods should still work. (I mention that because you said you can't get at its properties.)

...As I recall, COMBOX has no properties that are manually editable anyway. In other words, the Properties selection on its context menu does nothing no matter where you've placed it.

Mike Buess
Origin WebRing Member

Edited by - Mike Buess on 11/01/2003 7:22:29 PM

Edited by - Mike Buess on 11/01/2003 7:40:53 PM
ToniMueckl Posted - 11/01/2003 : 4:32:28 PM

the following examples I took from the (english version of the) Origin7G help file on the LabTalk getn (GetNumber) command:


%A = enter name;
i = 1;
j = 1;
k = 0;
%B = "line1 line2 line3"; // drop down list with three entries
(X Minimum) MyVar // a variable
(my boolean) k:2s // show remaining items if k = 1 (checked)
(my list) i:B // use %B as the list items
(Color) j:@C // color list, init j = 1
(Your Name) %%A // %% to preserve %A for holding the name
(Title of this dialog); // end of getnumber

You also might find more details there. You can create a dialog window with up to nine different boxes.

blt2si Posted - 10/30/2003 : 03:34:33 AM
Sorry, maybe i didnt explain that properly! Im doing programming in Origin using Labtalk and would like to create a list for a user to select from, which is why i want to insert a COMBOX and edit the list with choices for the user to choose from. If the only way to access the combox is through programming, can anyone provide a small example of how to program the choices on these lists? Thank you!!
greg Posted - 10/29/2003 : 11:33:12 AM
You can only programmatically access the ComboBox and ListBox items - that is, a user can only select from the items in the list.
If you need to allow the user to edit the lists, then you need to provide the controls and code to do that.

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