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 missing status bar

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ToniMueckl Posted - 11/01/2003 : 5:01:29 PM
Hi all,

can anyone tell me, what went wrong, as I am not able to get back the status bar any more, where the message of the OriginC string::Write(1) method should appear. I used this method very often since it was good for indication that a script is still running properly... ;-)

I use Origin7G (German version with SR4 installed). Toggling the menu entry View:Status Bar does not make much of a difference. On the other hand changing the user in win2k really does make a difference, since the status bar behaves as it should when I am logged in as Admin. I had a look in some of the .ini-files but with no success so far. I also tried to apply the SR4 Patch once again, but it did not solve this problem. I guess the problem originates from one of the killings of the Origin process I was forced to do during debuging some of my scripts.

Mayby someone could give me a hint what to do.

Thanks a lot.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ToniMueckl Posted - 11/03/2003 : 03:57:37 AM
Great - that was it, thank You very much.

cpyang Posted - 11/02/2003 : 1:47:19 PM
I don't know how this can happen, but maybe you can try a more drastic measure, to remove the registry entries for all the toolbars and status bar.

Useing RegEdit, you can try to find

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\OriginLab\Origin 7\German\Toolbars

You can delete this branch from registry. This will unfortunately reset all your toolbar button settings back to default, so if this is OK to do, you can try this and see if it works. Since you said a different login user works fine, then I suspect that something is messed up in the registry.


Edited by - cpyang on 11/02/2003 1:51:55 PM
ToniMueckl Posted - 11/02/2003 : 09:33:41 AM
Hi Mike,

the type.showStatus(1); only toggles the flag in the menue but the status bar still does not appear. This did not work, sorry.

Mike Buess Posted - 11/01/2003 : 6:39:40 PM
Hi Toni,

This might work...


Mike Buess
Origin WebRing Member

Edited by - Mike Buess on 11/01/2003 7:17:08 PM

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