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 how to input the symbol for angstrom?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
tqzhang@ja Posted - 12/01/2003 : 4:59:09 PM
I can see the symbol for angstrom (Å) correctly in Word,IE,and other applications installed on my computer. So there is not anything wrong with the font files. However, I can not input it in Origin text labels. Or any other symbol with ASCII code larger than 132. why? When I input with either symbol map or copy & paste with the help of Characater map, it just beeps without anything added into the text labels. What's wrong with my Origin?
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hideo Fujii Posted - 12/02/2003 : 12:15:16 PM
The angstrom character (Å) is located in the extended
area of the ASCII table, and in the Japanese operating
system (as I assume), "half-width" Katakana characters
are arranged in that area for Japanese code page.

If you want to force Origin to use Western code page,
you can put @FC=0 in the script window
before entering the character. (Then you cannot use
half-width Katakana with a Western font). (This should
work at least in Origin 7.5, but I'm not sure whether
it does, or not in earlier version.)

Hope this solves your problem.

Edited by - Hideo Fujii on 12/02/2003 3:23:30 PM

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