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 Data Capture symbol changes

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
peter.cook Posted - 12/24/2003 : 04:53:25 AM

Quite often (different versions 6.1 to 7.5) the data capture symbol doesn't display the expected cross hairs and changes during origin session. I think this is then passed to other open applications.

Hard to reproduce consistently but it does occur often.

This problem has been around for a bit...does anyone else see this or have any insight..



2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Zisternas Posted - 02/22/2010 : 09:21:01 AM

I donīt know if the topic is closed, but I think I have the same problem with data reader tool.

I have several graphs in many folders, letīs say 15 graphs in 3 folders, and in each graph I have to select some of the maximum peaks for further comparison. I do it with the data reader tool.

But it seems that after selecting some values, all the previous ones change to that last ones, or after closing the project and opening it again, they are gone, no values of the plot are shown even when ($(x), $(y))[$(i)] is written there.

Someone knows how to mantain the initial values?

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: in some files i have changed the ($(x), $(y))[$(i)] for Dp=$(x), could this be part of the problem? I have seen in the manual that was allowed to do it.
Laurie Posted - 02/18/2004 : 3:43:49 PM
Hi Pete,

Not sure what you mean when you say that it changes during Origin session and is then passed to other applications? Does the data reader change back to the pointer tool?

Does it seem to only happen with large datasets?


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