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 Limitation of Number of Worksheets in a Workbook

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MacS73 Posted - 02/21/2017 : 04:48:03 AM
In Origin 2015 the number of worksheets in a workbook is limited to 255. We created a programming the makes use of several worksheets within oneworkbook. Now the input data has become more complex and 255 sheets are not enough anymore. Is there a possibility to extend the number of worksheets in a book? Will this limitation be increased in future or is it already extended in current version 2017? We are currently in support and could use 2017 but we did not yet because porting the pergramms to new versions always brings about a lot of work...

Any suggestions? Thank you.

I currently use Origin 2015 SR2 64-bit
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snowli Posted - 11/13/2017 : 3:46:15 PM
Hello MacS73,

Just FYI. We have released Origin 2018 in which the maximum number of sheets has been increased to 1024. It's only for 2018 project with file extension opju.

And you can easily add multiple sheets by the following script.
page.nlayers=100; //100 sheets in a workbook. this used to be a read-only property

Thanks, Snow
OriginLab Corp.
MacS73 Posted - 02/23/2017 : 09:54:19 AM
Thank you. This sounds great. I'll check with the guys that work on the program the time schedule. Maybe the regular version in Oct. 2018 would be o.k. I'd come back to you in case an alpha version would make sense. Thank you.
cpyang Posted - 02/22/2017 : 2:58:57 PM
Yes, 1024 is fine, but has to be 2018 version coming out in Oct. We can make an alpha version in the near future for you to try if you are interested.


MacS73 Posted - 02/22/2017 : 04:11:45 AM
Thank you for this replay. That sound great. For our specific project ist would be good to have 1024 sheets, if this is too much 576 would also do it.

The number of sheets we need scales to the power 2 with the analyzed devices (field bus communication system). Currently we can only analyze 15 devices, for 16 devices 256 would be needed (1 more than currently supported). If we could do 24 or 32 it would be great...

Thank you.
cpyang Posted - 02/21/2017 : 08:15:30 AM
There should not be much trouble for programming compatibility between 2015 and 2017. The 255 limit has not been changed in 2017, but we can certainly increase this limitation next version. Is 512 enough?


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