Posted - 04/07/2017 : 10:31:32 AM Hello, In Origin 2017, you can use Worksheet: Split Columns... menu for this.
1. Highlight the two columns (those 2 columns). 2. Choose Worksheet: Split Columns... 3. Set Subgroup Method as follows. --> You will get a new sheet with exepected result.
Thanks, Snow
Posted - 04/07/2017 : 07:46:30 AM If your data is numeric, and just from two sets into one, then you can use the labtalk copy -z command. See for example
copy -z col(1) col(2) col(3);
Posted - 04/07/2017 : 02:46:51 AM Hi Aviel,
Many thanks for your help! However, (if I did it correctly) you solution is only transposing my columns into row but does not condense the second and third columns into one row per value of the former first column (hopefully it is clear enough).
I have issues keeping the order A1 B1 A2 B2 A3 B3 etc...
It is doable on excel with a formula of this type: =INDEX($B$21:$C$38,INT((ROWS(F$3:F4)-1)/2)+1,MOD(ROWS(F$3:F4)-1,2)+1) but it is one step of my data treatment and all the others are easier on Origin (reason why I would like to know if it is possible) Is this simpler to open a excel sheet in Origin, treat the data and then copy paste the result on an Origin sheet to keep going with the rest of the data analysis?
Many thanks
Posted - 04/06/2017 : 09:10:14 AM Hi,
You can use the transpose dialog box. Select your columns that you want to transpose and then select Worksheet from the menu bar --> Select Transpose and Select Open Dialog. After you select OK the worksheet will switch the columns to rows. Therefore if you want to keep a copy of the original worksheet, you may want to duplicate the worksheet before completing the transpose.