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Posted - 08/12/2017 : 07:55:42 AM Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): Operating System: Hi I use this formula F(x)=(a*exp(-b*x))+(c*exp(-d*x)) the parameters a (0.5), b (-0.02), c (0.5) and d (0.5) I have selected Auto parameter initialization because I want the program calcule the parameters. My data is one X and twenty Y. I have 2 questions: where is the difference the global fit or independent fit? what is correct? I understand the independent fit analyze all curves for separate and global analyze all curves together. My output independent fit have: Reduced Chi-Sqr similar 0.005 in all curves Adj. R-Square similar 0.8 in all curves and une ANOVA for curve an the p value is significative. I don't understant the chi-sqr And ai Have this missage (1) Parameter Initialization was called. (2) Fitting No.1 Dataset ----------Levenberg-Marquardt----------- Reduced Chi-sqr = 0,00253824434968 COD(R^2) = 0,80269551337548 Iterations Performed = 11 Total Iterations in Session = 11 Fit converged. Chi-Sqr tolerance value of 1E-9 was reached.
When I use Global fit I only have one ANOVA and the p value is 0, and the Reduced Chi-Sqr similar 0.003 in all curves and Adj. R-Square similar 0.8 I have this missage (4) ----------Levenberg-Marquardt----------- Reduced Chi-sqr = 0,00324618475966 COD(R^2) = 0,89876445796411 Iterations Performed = 17 Total Iterations in Session = 17 (5) Fit converged. Chi-Sqr tolerance value of 1E-9 was reached.
where is the correct analisis
I'm sorry for my explication and I don't know the people undetand my explication