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 Origin not responding "problem"

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
metroid02 Posted - 08/16/2017 : 01:26:01 AM
So Ive been using OriginPro for the past couple of weeks to process large amounts of data (roughly 2 mio), and I have found that when I want to perform calculations that are a little more complex the program very quickly stops responding despite still calculating in the background. Sometimes however this also happens when the program has actually stopped working as intended. Is there a fix to this? It would be very nice to know if and when Origin is actually just not responding because it is doing background calculations or whether its actually shut down.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
metroid02 Posted - 08/17/2017 : 04:20:46 AM
This happens somewhat frequently when performing rudimentary operations (reducing rows, deleting rows, or when using the table(x,y,z) command), so nothing too complicated.

That said, I am usually working with very large quantities of data, so it is understandable for the program to be on lockdown when calculating, but it would appreciated if there was some form of indicator that the program is just calculating in the background and therefore unavailable, or if it has legitimately stopped working.
AmandaLu Posted - 08/16/2017 : 04:10:11 AM

Origin provides progress bar in some of the analysis tools, such as Batch Processing. What analysis do you perform?

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