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 symbols / data poins are cut off on the axis

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
radim Posted - 03/22/2005 : 03:26:45 AM
Origin Version: 7.5
Operating System: WinXP

I have a problem with scatter or line + symbol plots.
For examle if I have a (data)point x = 2 y = 0 and the y axis range is set from 0 to 5 then the symbol will be cut off in half on x axis. How can I set Origin to show whole symbol?

Thanks for any help.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hideo Fujii Posted - 10/15/2018 : 11:06:25 AM
Hi JoD,

As you pointed out, currently there is no control to show/hide the entire symbol directly according
to either inside or outside the frame. One possibility is to filter out the outside points as follows:

1) In the worksheet, attach a filter to the X column.
2) Set the custom condition of the filter (when your graph is in Graph1) like:
Graph1!layer.x1.from<=x and x<=Graph1!
Note that you can control by "=" in the condition whether including exactly on the points on X axis,
or allowing only proper inside the frame.

Please try though there might be a better way. Works?

--Hideo Fujii
JoD Posted - 10/14/2018 : 05:26:41 AM seems like it is not possible to achieve what I need.

Format → Plot Properties... → Tab: Display gives the option Data on Top of Axes, but this will still cut off the half of the symbol and error bar that extends out of the frame. In my case I want these symbols that are directly on the axis to be still completely shown with error bars while other data that extends further out of the frame will not be shown.

Manually excluding those data points would be a possibility I guess, but that would need to be defined for each individual graph.
JoD Posted - 10/13/2018 : 2:57:03 PM
Originally posted by Mike Buess

Format > Layer > Display tab
Deselect the "Clip Data to Frame" option.

In my case I want to clip data to the frame, because I have data points that extend the range of the graph. Some of the data points are exactly on an axis, i.e. only half of them will be displayed. How can I show these symbols above the axis (or on the axis) without also showing the data that extends the range of the axis scaling?
greg Posted - 03/23/2005 : 6:02:05 PM
For more subtle control of clipping margins, look at Format : Layer on the Display tab. You can expand the clipping margins with negative values or shrink with positive values.

This will be needed if you use the magnifier tool to look at a small range of your data and wish to use Clip Data to Frame, for example.

radim Posted - 03/23/2005 : 01:02:24 AM
Thank you.
Mike Buess Posted - 03/22/2005 : 07:25:17 AM
Format > Layer > Display tab
Deselect the "Clip Data to Frame" option.

Mike Buess
Origin WebRing Member

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