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 Multiple Regression

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
IndiJones Posted - 05/10/2005 : 02:43:42 AM
How can I set the y axis intrercept to zero while doing Multiple Regression Analysis?

Why does it always take the 1st column as the dependent variable instead of letting me choose?

Is there any way to do these above mentioned things?

My version is Origin Pro 7.5 SR5 v 7.5870.

Regards and thanks in advance!
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
IndiJones Posted - 06/07/2005 : 11:18:56 PM
Thanks for your help! It worked with the selection of dependent variable. However, there is a small bug in there. It always shows col(A) as dependent in the pop up message box before executing the function and also in the result log sheet.


Here's the result sheet:

Data for Col(A)
[2005/06/08 11:57 "/Data1" (2453529)]
Multiple Regression on Data1:

Independent: Column(E) -> Column(G)
Dependent: Column(A)

Parameter Value Error t-Value Prob>|t|
Y-Intercept -2.53113 0.3524 -7.18254 <0.0001
E 0.53489 0.00388 137.99955 <0.0001
F -0.23358 0.00468 -49.86652 <0.0001
G 0.1043 0.00164 63.54413 <0.0001

Data for Col(B)
[2005/06/08 11:57 "/Data1" (2453529)]
Multiple Regression on Data1:

Independent: Column(E) -> Column(G)
Dependent: Column(A)

Parameter Value Error t-Value Prob>|t|
Y-Intercept -0.37202 0.37966 -0.97989 0.3383
E 0.1644 0.00418 39.37017 <0.0001
F 0.26584 0.00505 52.67908 <0.0001
G -0.00267 0.00177 -1.5108 0.14574

Data for Col(C)
[2005/06/08 11:58 "/Data1" (2453529)]
Multiple Regression on Data1:

Independent: Column(E) -> Column(G)
Dependent: Column(A)

Parameter Value Error t-Value Prob>|t|
Y-Intercept -2.85013 0.54871 -5.1942 <0.0001
E -0.01086 0.00604 -1.79877 0.08645
F 0.01936 0.00729 2.65411 0.01484
G 0.49094 0.00256 192.09644 <0.0001
azazell0 Posted - 05/10/2005 : 4:09:15 PM
Why does it always take the 1st column as the dependent variable instead of letting me choose?

I don't really know what multiple regression is (if my solution works please explain ), but I think I can help you with this problem.

Open the wksstat.ogs file in your Origin directory (first make a backup of course in case you don't like the change), and immediately after the MultiReg label add the following lines:

if(depColNumber == 0/0) depColNumber = 1; //the default value
getnumber -s (Enter dependent column number:) depColNumber;

Then, search for$=%(%H,@C,1);

and change it to$=%(%H,@C,depColNumber);

Save the file and try it out. Hope you like it.

Edited by - azazell0 on 05/10/2005 4:19:31 PM

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