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 Greek Symbols in Text Editing

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austyc Posted - 05/18/2005 : 07:45:33 AM
Origin Version (Select Help-->About Origin):
Operating System:7.0
I am having problems in getting greek characters (eg, phi, alpha etc). I am aware that one is supposed to highlight the character, and then click the greek icon - but what happens is that the resulting character is simply the same as the entered character - e.g. To write "phi" - highlight "f", click the greek symbol, and the output character is still "f"..... I have checked on Tools to ensure that my greek font is set to "Symbols" - all previous work I have conducted using Origin, where I successfully could use the greek characters have now changed back to the Ariel default type-text font - Any chance you might be able to help???? Thanks.
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Hideo Fujii Posted - 01/31/2012 : 3:05:50 PM

I'm not sure why it has started not showing Greek characters in your situation. On my machine, it works fine. You can check the following: 

1) On the text label, right-click, and select "Properties" flyout to show Object Properties dialog. 
2) Add the following string at the end of your string in the text box: 
    \f:Arial Greek(\(a225)\(a249))

3) After press OK, do you see now Alpha and Omega in your text label? 

Also, using "Symbol" font may be a work-around for you. 

--Hideo Fujii
dimidola Posted - 01/30/2012 : 09:33:15 AM

I know this topic is waaaay too old, but I want to ask this:

I have installed on my PC as a keyboard language Greek.

Until now, that would mean that as long as my language in Origin is set to Times New Roman Greek, or Arial Greek (etc) I would get the Greek characters by just switching my keyboard language to greek and typing the corresponding keys. For some reason this doesn't work anymore..

Any ideas?

austyc Posted - 05/18/2005 : 09:42:12 AM
Thanks a million Mike - if I knew that ages ago!!!!!!
Still, it will make my life much easier - keep up the good work!
Mike Posted - 05/18/2005 : 09:01:39 AM
I suspect the problem that you describe is one that a number of Origin 7 (and previous) users have had when running under WinXP. What happens is that Origin can't use any font beyond some limit in the alphabetically ordered font list (varies by system_. The TT Symbol font occurs far down the list, so it is prone to this problem.

There are a couple of fixes:
  • uninstall unneeded fonts until you see that the Symbol font is working.
  • Better yet, go the File Exchange area of the OriginLab website and get this font. Follow the instructions on installing and configuring it.


Edited by - Mike on 05/18/2005 09:02:19 AM

Edited by - Mike on 05/18/2005 09:03:06 AM

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